Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pros & Cons of Religion


Identity vs Ego,
Real "I vs Limited "I"
Inner vs Outer,
Consciousness vs Name/Form
Expansion vs Contraction,
Universe vs Body,
Knowledge vs Ignorance,
Investigation/Self-inquiry vs Rote learning,
Implication vs Application,
Tolerance/Understanding vs Fundamentalism,
Love & Co-operation vs Fear & Control (Force & Fraud)
Spirituality vs Materialism,
Faith vs Politics,
Confidence vs Bigotry/Arrogance,
Unity in diversity vs Diversity without unity,
Peace vs Pieces!


Swami indicates
75% of religion is for building character and this dharmic identity (purity and unity of thought word and deed integration).

He says that
75% of spirituality is Self-inquiry (into the Atma) as without self-inquiry you cannot know what you are not (more than the body/ego) and therefore, expand your identity through understanding, love and service to that of society (unity in diversity or society).

Moksha means destruction of "Moha" or illusion, and means to be free of the false phenomenal universe. All that the intellect can see is the effect of this phenomena (potentially involving itself in time and space and an infinite regress of causality), and not the source, the cause. There is an end to wisdom when the intellect ends Self-inquiry with abidance at its source, the Self, and dispels all identification whatsoever, whether with the changing individual (physical), society (body of knowledge) or the phenomenal universe (body if space).

Gayatri mantra illumines the intellect to eventually have the strength of discrimination to see the false inferences of universe as false effects of the "mind-universe" and remove the obstacles for natural abidance/oneness in consciousness.

Shankacharya explained this process of self-inquiry and understanding takes 3 steps:

i) World is unreal (universe of names and forms = Mayic projection of snake on rope)
ii) Brahma is real (veiling power of Maya = rope of space)
iii) Brahma is the world (All One in Consciousness = Advaita)

SWAMI - Steps: From Character to Freedom (Moksha)

End of Education => Character = Self-Confidence born of Self-inquiry/Conscience
End of Culture => Perfection = Self-satisfaction
End of knowledge => Love = Self sacrifice
End of Wisdom => Freedom born of Conviction/Consciousness

4 requirements for Moksha (absolute freedom):

i) Perfect discrimination
ii) Perfect detachment
iii) Perfect Tranquility
iv) Intense yearning to be free

3 methods for understanding the Self, reality or Truth:

i) Listening to the Truth (philosophy of the Self)
ii) Reflecting
iii) Contemplation

=> Jnana/knowledge as consiousness => Self abidance

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