Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jiva Gypsies (World Culture of 5 Root Races)


Metaphysics around the 5 and the root races to India

JIVA = Sanskrit word for individual SOUL (that in the Sanata Dharma, transmigrates from birth to birth and body to body until it reaches perfection and transcends ignorance (consciousness) and attains the Self, the Father, Siva, the Truth, Reality, the Godhead, Allah, Buddhahood or Enlightenment by the INNER journey of the mind within

GYPSY = The idea of traveling or journeying OUTWARDS as nomads that spread culture and knowledge via their music and fortune telling as barter for their means of living.

Historically, it is suggested that they originated from Rajastan, India, as a fringe culture incorporating the tantric shamanism of the south and the vedic culture of the north before spreading westwards.

That the original people/gypies of the world were the Lemurian/Aboriginals of Australia with their walk abouts; and Dravidians (south indians) are connected to them by continent before the land mass shifts. Thus, Jiva gypsies theory postulates that Indian Vedic culture, Tantra & Santa Dharma might have been one of the first to influence the world via migrations to and from its land.

However, it also draws on the fact that this migration has taken place throughout history, through different routes and via different races and does not hold any authority over history.

In the modern context, it takes the example of America as modern day gypsy migrants who travelled there in search of the American dream and has now become a 5 raced nation of reds, whites, blacks, yellow and brown. It also takes this Gypsy concept further saying that in the flat global cosmopolitan world everyone has become a gypsy in finding their comfortable humanitarian niche to meet their unique needs and the freedom to express their identity

But by bringing these two words together, the ancient, spiritual concept of Jiva (the soul & identity) with the modern and worldly connotations of the word gypsy; Jiva Gypsy, is revealing its mission statement by indicating its contemporary art form of world music focusing around India.
Migration from land to land, culture to culture (Gypsy to America to Cosmopolitan world) & Transmigration of the jiva (from body to body, race to race, adding to the jivas experiences and awareness) to Migration within the mind (inquiry into the soul) to expanding into the Universal Gypsy/Soul (Cosmic Consciousness) using devotion (bhakti) though art and music to transport or ripen the jiva's soul to experience and abide as its underlying Reality or SELF

"Jiva Gypsy Mission Statement".

To reveal unity in diversity of world cultures around the 5 root races by drawing on their trance tribal voodoo tantric gypsy art & music heritage and synthesized into a fusion of expressions so as to transcend cultural differences in a subliminal recognition of our common humanity in using entertainment to commune

It draws largely on the mystical yogic science of vedic metaphysics of chakras, the 7 swaras,and the India forms of music involving tala, raga, teveram and mantras to focus its sounds, genre and philosophy around creating a unique style of Indian Jiva Soul Jazz


To become a "House of Swaras" in USA (like the House of Blues for the blacks) to give indians their identity as as well as share their cultural heritage with America and the world; integrating it around the other tribal cultures and fusing to other music genres of the world

To unify youth (and 5 root races) around a philosophy of synthesis and world culture using the powerful medium of tribal sounds and sacred music

To reveal a continuum of tribal music from soul, blues, rock, jazz and India Gypsies

To reveal a continuum from Hard Rock Cafe (ie. Voodoo Hendrix) to House of Blues to Jiva Gypsies to Jiva5 & Metaphysics (Mystic Inn of the 7th Ray) and thereby suggest a possible logical progression in Sathya Sai Baba's Mission via Isaac Tigrett

To make youth aware of indian music, metaphysics and sacred geometry

To tie in with the Jiva Project - as a metaphysical cafe that will compliment and market the music via its venus and food.

To connect the 5 root races (ie. of America and world) to 5 concept in Jiva cafe and metaphysics to 5 human values of Sai Baba

To tie in with a Sai Baba Youth Portal to promote a contemporary youth culture on values of synthesis, fusion, unity and brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind

To take perceptions via the superficial colour of race to the appreciation of the deeper content of character to do with consciousness

To suggest a version of history to help understand the west, middle and east geographical divides in term of temperaments of left brain (scientific), middle (metaphysical) and right (arts)

To help youth identify their genius and roots via the past/history of gypsy travel and migration to the future of migrating to where one feels at home in a multi-polar world.

To promote self confidence, identity and creativity in youth

To compliment in entertainment the Jiva vision and the edu-create proposal to making youth the harbingers of a golden age of knowledge, love and divine expression

The focus is on attitude of creativity and identity that associates a gypsy temperament with being free, oneself and innovative for living to the demands of and remaining adaptable to the changing global economy

The idea is that it should tie in with the Sathya Sai Baba's Mission in the context of his teachings, the projects, the Hard Rock Cafe to HOB, the metaphysical school, the Jiva vision and the WEB in a holisitic intergrated and meaningful entertaining way for youth

In effect, Jiva Gypsies is a Youth, Spiritual, Entertainment movement that aims to bridge the youth culture from the House of Blues in the USA to the Jiva cafe (see proposal) in India by fusing these two concepts. It would take the concept of HOB further by including the roots of 5 root race cultures into a world music format but borrow form Jiva's idea its Indian focus and its metaphyscis around the 5

Therefore, its aim is also to bridge India and world via America, starting Jiva Gypsies there (with its 5 root races) as well as spread Indian philosophy, music and general metaphysics to America and vica versa; in terms the world culture of America to India

Does this via chronological progression of Gypsies (arts) to Metaphysics (the sacred/nature)

Indian Gypsies = Spanish Flamenco & African Voodoo => House of Blues USA =>
JIVA GYPSY (House of Swaras) & 5 ROOT RACES IN USA =>Jiva5Cafe Shop in INDIA = Metaphysical School

After manifesting the Jiva5 Cafe & Shop in India the profits to go towards opening JIVA GYPSY JUKE/JUICE JOINT (Club Cafe at the Crossroads!) as a progression from the Hard Rock and House of Blues under the guidance and direction of Isaac Tigrett


with Cultural Heritage, Race Strengths & Means of Resurrecting of Identity in Modern Context

Can be tied in with the Sai Youth WEB site (7 chakra portals of yogic man with 5 race faces of great representatives of history collaged in the background)

=> 4th & 1st chakra = education on culture in context of countries ecologies and macro economics . This would tie in Jiva Gypsies USA & Jiva cafe India (3rd chakra) and the Metaphysics of the school (6th chakra portal) with the WEB page



Cultural Heritage = Sanata Dharma = Hinduism = Vedas, Smritis, Puranas, Darshanas, Tantra

Race Strengths = spirituality, devotion, intuitive, metaphysics, memory form oral vedic tradition, oratory

History = Yugas, Dwarapa to Kali Yuga = Krishna to Buddha => Buddhism to Shankarcharya & Advaita => Multi-religious => Hindu/Muslim divide => spiritual regeneration from Chaitanya to Shirdi, Ramakrishna, Ramana, Yogananda & Sai => Colonialism => Ghandi & Independence => Open Economy

Ressurection of meaning, identity and values for youth = via TRAC Program (Tradition Religion Aspiration Culture/Character) => Sai youth WEB => TRAC (Trends Rights Awareness Creativity/Consciousness) => Jiva Gypsies to Jiva5 Cafe & Shop => Jyotisha/Ayurveda/Vastu/Yoga/Chakras/Swaras => Metaphysical School


2. AFRICA (black race) = genetic trace origins of man ?

Cultural Heritage = Tribal shamanism & voodoo; nature worship

Race Strengths => physical strengths, sports, music, dance, entertainment, warriors, oratory

History = tribal, no much recorded, influences from outside? (via gypsies of Rajastan & Mesopotania; Eygpt; & Pyramids of Atlantis) Slave trade to America, racism and fight for dignity and equal rights; Apartite in South Africa

Ressurection = TRAC for Blacks => House of Blues => Black President in USA for African role model => Jiva Gypsies tribal fusion to Jiva cafe => metaphysical School



Cultural Heritage = Venusian Calendars; Tribal, descendants of Atlantis..?

Race Strengths => warrior, technology, royalty, aliens !?..from Venus star seeding mingled with genetics of other races

History = American history of the white mans invasion by the Spanish, Irish etc. by ships

Ressurrection = Naive American History, Shamanism, Culture & connection/parallels to saivitism => Jiva Gypsies Trance Dance


4. CHINA & JAPAN (yellow race) => Taiwanese, Koreans, Mongoloid, Siberia, Eskimos, Native Americans, Tibetans

Cultural Heritage = Taoism, Heaven & Earth, Lao Tse, Confuciasm, Dynasties, Nature religion, language, metaphysics & technology

Racial Strengths => mathematics, mono syllabol cryptic language, angular writing, characters concrete visual imagery from nature, conrete, logical, pragmatic mind, business aptitude

History => basic technology (paper, clock, etc.), dynasties, foreign infiltration, communism (Russian Lenin Marxism influence), loss of culture => modifications to capatilism

Ressurrection = Fa Long Gan ? Break down of old regime via global economy, ressurection of ancient Chinese values of Confuciasm, Buddism, filial piety, Taoism, Sai Synthesis => Jiva Gypsies & Jiva5 Metaphysical Cafe (integrating Ayurveda/Vastu to TCM/Feng Shui) => Metaphysical School


5. EUROPEAN (white race) - Scandanavian, Celts, (Flamenco) Espanics, Russians

Cultural Heritage = Greek Philosophy => British & German Science

Racial Strengths => abstract minds, invention, creativity

History = Rome & roads => Spanish & Holland & the sea => Bristish railweays
=> America fire power

Ressurrection = via Hard Rock to HOB to Jiva Gypsies to Jiva5 to Metaphysics


MESOPOTANIA = Cultural Craddle of civilisation = mixing pot of red, brown, black and white = Middle Eastern Arabs (Gypsies from Rajastan via here to Flamenco Spain)

MALAYSIANS &INDONESIANS as Mayan (red) , Asian (yellow) & Indian (brown) mix





White European----Black Africa------Brown India Aboriginal Mu
Red Atlantean---------------------------Yellow China & Japan

Red => White (Greek) => Eygpt <= (Vedanta) Brown <=Yellow=>Red

The word west, middle and east are used generally and in the context of the attitude in the mind of man - west and science, middle and metaphysics & east and culture. That middle evolved later as the meeting of east (Indian Vedanta) and west (Greek Philosophy) => Metaphysics of Pythagorus




EAST (right brain - spatial/arts)

Earliest civilisation Lemuria one continent => Australia & India = Aboriginals & Dravidians => India Indus valley & Rajastan=> Himalayas and the Vedic Aryans => revealed knowledge from logic of 6 limbs to 4 vedas to upanishads => Jiva Gypsies & the Bauls => Middle East, Africa & Central Europe (according to Frawley History - Aryans from Saraswati Rajastan region) as far as Spain (flamenco black mother worship) & Ireland/celts => USA


WEST (left brain - logic/science)

Atlantis (Venusian calendar ... Sanat Kumar as from venus 18,000,000 million years ago..?...UFO..?.... mayans... red race..? Edgar Cayce and genetic manipulations... star seed, scientific use of mind power and crystals energy source. Began end of Lemuria and ended with deluge 10,000 B.C. => Pyramid power to Mayans and Eygpt ie. along coast lines of Pacific Ocean.

Pythagorus travels via Eygpt/India to later Socrates (Greeks) to Plotinus to Western Europe and scientific age (Rome road power, Holland water & British railway power => America fire power)

USA Atlantean relevance... Atlantean coast line ... to American science, air and fire power

Atlantis and deluge to Native Americans, Mayans & Eygiptians (blacks as slaves and workers)


MIDDLE (corpus callosum hemisheric mind mapping - metaphysical to intuitive inner eye)

Eygptians (Atlantis), Sumeria, Babylonia, Chaldeans, Greeks, Pythagorus - Mesopotania as cultural craddle and source of metaphysics along with India (Vedas and Jyotisha)

Also concept that gypsies practiced fortune telling along with music/entertainment for income. This is also from India and the Vedas and called Samudrika (or the art of reading various omens from hand, face and nature reading) as well as Jyotisha (astrology) and card reading (with probably tied in with the Tarot and Kaballa as taught by teh hebrews)

Thus, both arts and metaphysics could have come from India via the gypsies and migration

What is the connection between Africa/Eygpt, the Indian Gypsies (originally Lemurian) via Meospotania and the Atlantian civilisation that formed the pyramids?

Guess that Atlantis and this gypsy culture out of India met in middle east as the craddle of civilisation with EYGPT representing the synthesis of Atlantean Technology (rulers Pharohs?) & African Vooddoo-Indian gypsy philosophy (workers)

Africa as isolated in Savanna wild life and tribal influences from the north (Eygpt & mesopotania) and south (Cape)


TRIANGLE OF HISTORY - arts, metaphysics (humanities -vedas) & science

- to identify the genetic past


SOME cues from history:

-----------------------Middle - corpus callosum hemispheric
-----------------------HUMANITIES (Jungian Psychology)
-----------------------Metaphysical religion of Identity (5 in ONE)
-----------------------Mesopotania (Sumeria) to Pythagorus ...? BC
-----------------------vs Vedic (Sanata Dharma to Science of Jyotisha)
-----------------------JIVA5 to Sacred Geometry / Symbology /Archtypes

West - left brain------------------East - right brain
SCIENCE----------------------------ARTS Lemuria => Aboriginals =>
Atlantean 10,000 BC deluge------Dravidians => Vedic North Krishna 3,000+BC
Technology Greeks/Chinese-------Bauls Gypsies => Mother Voodoo worship
British Empiricism (Bacon & Scientific)India => African blacks (Voodoo)
US Democratic ideal (5 races)-----Spain => Espanics (flamenco)
(Hard Rock to House of Blues-----Migration to Cosmopolitan World Travel
JIVA GYPSY.?!)---------------------Identity, creativity, bliss, culture

Caste = profession and technology - Support leisure which is expression


ARTS (right brain visuo-spatial) to SACRED GEOMETRY (symbols/harmony in nature)

Metaphor and symbology of metaphysics connecting to universal collective unconscious through sacred geometry of harmony, symmetry and proportion in a closed intelligent Universe. Connects left and right brains to awaken third eye and connection to the nature of the universe and cosmic consciousness. Conscious (left linear logical brain) to sub-conscious (right lateral visuo-spatial brain) to superconscious connection via inner intuitive eye.

The suggestions by this train of thought is that the left brain connects mainly more to the senses and the real time world of structure, time, space and matter whereas; arts connects man more directly to the intuitive via the right brains access to the conceptual world through symbols and archetypes and the sacred geometry in nature; and thereby the spirit world of abstraction or the visuo-spatial space in which time and symbol appears meaningful. Jung covered these concepts with archetypes, collective unconscious and synchronicity and drew much of his insights form his studying of Indian philosophy and metaphysics.

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