Monday, December 29, 2008

4th CHAKRA PORTAL - Devotion & Seva

4th Air Chakra => Love, Devotion, Service = Taurus & Libra => Moon & Saturn (exaltation)

4th CHAKRA 0n:-

i) Devotion ii) Individual Health iii) Planetary Health & the Environment iv) Service
v) (Singapore) Government Proposals
(for Comminty Flexi-Welfare System/Service)

1. Swami on the D of devotion

There are too many quotes from swami on this topic to cover here. A very good resource is the "Digest" as well as the "The Compendium of the Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba". A couple of the shorter ones have been added below.

Quotes on Devotion

"Devotion is that free mobile flow of love of God"

"Devotion is complete surrender. Grace is won by Discipline and Virtue"

"Devotion is something sweet, soothing, refreshing and restoring. It must confer patience and fortitude"

"Devotion directed to the Lord is called Divine Love and is the easiest of paths for the realisation of the goal"

"Devotion is a fragment of the Divine. Without devotion, awareness of the Divine cannot be experienced. Equally, devotion without consciousness of the Divine can only breed egoism"

"Bhakti involves complete dedication, with nothing held back, not even a wisp of ego should remain in you; His command alone counts, His Will prevails"

Quote on Service

"Seva is more fruitful than japa (recitation), dhyana (meditation), yagna (ritual), and yoga (exercise), usually recommended for spirutal aspirants, for it serves two purposes: extinction of the ego and attainmetn of Ananda (Bliss)"

"Train yourselves to serve God by serving man, in whom there is God installed in the heart. Convince yourselves that the seva of man is worship of God"

"Even if you are unable, or unwilling, to serve others - at least of you avoid doing harm, this is a form of good service"

"You should render service to the destitute, the helpless and the forlorn. When you serve them, you should bear in mind that you are serving God Himself in that particular form. Only those who perfrom such service with thought, word and deed will be able to purify their minds"

"Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited. disconsolate, diseased eprson, there is your field of service"

Significance of the cross, Jesus &
sacrifice of the "I"

"Cut the "I" feeling clean across and let your ego die on the Cross, to endow on you Eternity"

2. Individual Health

Don't talk about spirituality when you don't have your is wealth


----------------------Grace & Dhyana (Raja)Yoga----------------------

5.Bio-spiritual => Prayer VS Linga amrit/ash => Atmic

4.Bio-environmental => Anti-pollution VS Homas, yagnas, jyotish => Mind/ Nervous

3.Bio-pranic => Acupuncture VS Pranayama => Pranic/Vibration

2.Bio-chemical => Allopathy VS Ayurveda => Endocrinal
......................Nutritional VS TCM
......................................Body Work/Asana
1.Bio-mechanical => Surgery VS Massage/posture => Musculo-skeletal

..............PHYSIOTHERAPY vs HATHA YOGA.............................


Links: Top 10 web links to mainstream medical sites...

Alternative sites:
www.altmedicine etc....

3. Ecology & Planetary Health

Environmental science part of cross referencing subject learning of the edu-create process Table 9

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth & Greenpeace (see Mission Statement for links)


The Practice of Community Service

Since time immemorial, love has been envisaged by all the great saints and prophets as the solution to the world's problems. According to many ancient teachings, this world is relative and changing. When we are ignorant of the fact that love must be without attachment to this changing world, these attachments lead us to the selfish motives that underlie our destructive behavior. Love has many meanings and interpretations, but for most ancient teachings, love is in all people and appears in the highest and lowest. Love is thus one's essential nature. Many teachings actually describe an unconditional love that has no distinction between the experiencer and the experienced, between the lover and the loved, between nature and man. Accordingly, when we experience this divine love, we no longer see a world of duality; we experience our true nature - free, unencumbered, fearless and Absolute. In this inexhaustible, boundless Being, we are no longer the wave in the ocean, identifying ourselves as separate from the ocean, but are the all encompassing ocean itself. Such a state may appear fanciful, however, fancy itself pertains to the realm of the mind. By identifying ourselves solely with the objective world, our mind is limited to the illusion of reality it has created. If, in fact, we do belong to this ocean of pure love then identification with this illusion veils the experience of our inherent divinity.

So if we are beyond the body, beyond the senses and far beyond the mind, who are we? This philosophy proposes that what we truly are is this pure love. And, if love is an energy, as a from of energy we need to do something with it so that it does not fester and stagnate in selfish complaceny. This is where selfless service is important.

That is all good and well, but most of us are moulded by the transient impressions of a hedonistic society. As a result, we do not hear life's whispers to a higher happiness - the happiness in the Spirit; but the whole purpose of society is to carry us to this happiness, through integration of people. It invites servic to others as the ideal. It certainly does not encourage seeking the answers by isolating ourselves in a forest and cave to undergo self-inflicting austerities. Service is the means to free ourselves from the claustrophobia of our own ego. When we serve we are being given an opportunity to expand our love, to expand our identity of self. It is not like we are serving others as a great favor. True, we are sacrificing our time and energy, but in essence it is our highest Self that we serve - the self same spark that animates us all. As such, the sacrifice is of the lower ego to the self celebration of our true nature. this does not mean cutting off the ego with self negating behavior. What is needed is integrity; the integration of thought, word and deed - so that, like a tadpole, the tail of selfish ego will naturally fall away with the dawn of wisdom - the wisdom that unity within the individual leads to unity in the society.

Wisdom is thus, experiencing unity of thought, word and deed. Only when we have this self-awareness, this integration of thought, word and deed can we attain the self-knowledge, detachment and freedom to endeavor to unconditionally love all and serve all. In so doing, any self-investigation takes practical expression allowing the individual to translate from his mental identity into his social identity and approximate the Absolute.

5. Government proposals - A Singapore Vision

The following is a series of proposals for government that would allow community service that combines a business model with flexi-welfare employment




PART I – Social Health (5 proposals)


PART II – Re-making Singapore (3 proposals)


PART III – Educational Reforms (9th proposal)



For suggested innovations in the areas of health care, the elderly, community care and education
(Suggestions for the Economic Development Board)


With the Singapore government open to and promoting feedback from the public through the use of the Internet, I am conveying some of my visions regarding Singapore’s future. I hope that they will have potential in being implemented in the current Singapore setting as it responds to the new demands of the global economy. The purpose is to suggest a long-term proposal to the Singapore Economic Development Board, presenting ideas that are original and positive to be reviewed, investigated, and developed by the appropriate Ministries.


The proposals are presented under the following headings:

PART I – Ministry of Community Development & Health

1. Health care for the elderly - Geri-ware Pte Ltd
2. HDB void deck rehabilitation centers
3. Community national service
4. Flexi-work/fair welfare system
5. Community holistic health integration (CHI)

PART II – EDB (Economic Development Board)

6. Innovations school – Singovations & Singa trust
7. Holland village proposal – C.I.A. (care, innovation, arts)
8. Continual education/skills development for the mature aged.


PART II – Ministry of Education

9. Reforms in school – edu-care, edu-create and educate



GERI-WARE ONE-STOP SHOPS for Elderly Health Care Products

• Propose that the government creates and manages a company called Geri-Ware Pte Ltd that innovates, researches, markets, manufactures, and exports their own brand of health care products for the elderly. Initially, the company could be government owned but could be gradually made open to public share holdings.

• That Geri-Ware is a company with an original concept and brand that focuses on being the first and only international One-Stop Shop for Elderly Health Care. The initial focus would be on specific health care products and could later expand into other aspects of elderly care. The chain of shops would focus on products that are in demand and needed by the elderly. Below are some potential products Geri-Ware could develop.

A. Products to prevent falling:

i) Hip protector undergarments and clothing that prevent fractures, lower morbidity and mortality as well as individual and government costs in hospital care. Hip protectors could be designed and developed for Asians. Modified versions for the incontinent can be designed with accompanied detachable diapers. Research into diapers could include other means of using replaceable absorbent pads that would save millions on existing diapers. For example: the viability of diapers with removable absorbent pads using an extract from coconut kernel base.

ii) Tilt sensor to detect falls in the elderly. A belt that has a device that is activated when the wearer falls past 45 degrees. If it is not switched off within 15 seconds it could bleep loudly or relay information to the appropriate person. This could be the computer screen of the next-of-kin at their workplace, the closest rehab center or hospital. A video cam could also be included in the package to allow visual monitoring on the potential elderly victim.

iii) General and Modified Walking Frames that are home specific for those who are relatively immobile with a history of falls. These could be adapted with sliding food trays and seats that are detachable. Both the food tray and seat could slide above and below from the front of the wheelchair into position. The food tray would slide above to sit on and between the wheel chair handles whereas the seat would slide below so that the person can turn around and sit down using the wheelchair as a convertible seat. The seat might even have a commode attached. The walking frame could be with or without roller wheels.

iv) Walking Sticks with or without a modified seat attached such that the elderly could use a tripod design to sit down. Also walking sticks could be designed as umbrellas to disguise them as walking aids, maintaining the elderly person’s sense of dignity.

v) Safety Belts and Devices. Nylon or other strong belts designed for caregivers to use when assisting the elderly from falling. Also transfer belts, special bathroom mats, handle bars, anti-fall slippers are among other products that can be part of Geri-Ware’s production line.

B. Food and Nutritional Products

i) Special nutritional supplementary diet packs for the geriatric.

ii) Herbal, natural, Ayurvedic, traditional Chinese and GNC-type products that reduce Alzheimer’s, arthritis, diabetes and other aging diseases.

C. Skin Care Products

i) Skin care creams that reduce trauma in fragile elderly skin.

ii) Bedding, chair, car, and clothing materials that reduce soft tissue trauma in the elderly.

D. Publications

i) A user-friendly one-stop publication that covers all the major conditions, such as diabetes, ischaemic heart disease, fractured hip, stroke care, etc. This publication can include all medical, social, and personal information required by the patient or their caregiver. A comprehensive manual specific for the elderly is not readily available; Geri-Ware could develop such a resource guide.

ii) Other related publications, manuals and brochures specific for each condition, gender, age, and ethnicity could also be provided.

E. Others

i) General Rehab equipment such as wheelchairs, hoists, beds etc.

ii) Innovative technological developments, e.g. cars with seats that can rotate and exit and become detachable wheelchairs through the touch of button.

• Geri-Ware is a unique concept for developing the first and only One-Stop Franchise Shop that deals solely in elderly health care that has not yet been developed on the international stage by any major MNC.

• Singapore and the Singapore government is moving away from an old model that relied solely on manufacturing goods for import and export and towards one that embraces the global knowledge-based economy. This includes developing research in the biomedical sciences and providing an international state of the art health service. Geri-Ware can be incorporated into a comprehensive plan to address these issues.


• By becoming a MNC that is majority government owned, Geri-Ware can emulate two other major Singapore based MNCs: Singapore Airlines and Creative Technologies that are personnel and product orientated. With Singapore’s current infrastructure and the foundations being developed in the life sciences, the government can promote further research along a potentially marketable avenue for the growing global demand for health and elderly care. By promoting research for biomedical life sciences targeting the elderly, it will be able to expand and channel existing resources to develop the ideas suggested above for the One-Stop Geri-Ware products.


• Singapore’s advanced and meticulously planned infrastructure in the manufacturing and exports sector would facilitate the smooth establishment of the Geri-Ware industry, producing products for local use and exportation.

• To get Geri-Ware started, the government could link up with existing local or foreign rehabilitation brands that are dealing in rehab products and services.

• They could also use community services and hospitals such as Ang Mo Kio Community Hospital, paramedical staff, researchers and facilities from Singapore Nanyang Poly, NUS/H (including the Life Sciences Research Village at Bouna Vista), and Spring Singapore. These sources would provide the secondary infrastructure and help recruit the required talent to establish the foundation for a company dealing in community health care, life sciences, rehab services, geriatrics, and research.


• Another infrastructure that can be used for the implementation of Geri-Ware Pte Ltd plans and products are the existing ground floor void decks in the Housing Development Blocks. The government could use these for the establishment of rehabilitation services in the community, making them island-wide and using Geri-Ware Pte Ltd One-Stop Outlet Shops to sell its products there. Over time, community members can become shareholders in Geri-Ware.

• The void deck should provide local services to the surrounding community and HDB area, such as daycare for the elderly, young, disabled, and disadvantaged. It should provide rehabilitation as well as other health related services. A physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social worker and visiting community doctor should be available.

• Outpatient services in the form of therapy, checkups, home visits, etc., should be available. Coordination of nursing care, maid services, and tuition educational services can also be offered. Part of the void deck could be converted to nursing home quarters. Outpatient services at these sites could, along with the privatization of nursing homes, help reduce future government costs in managing the elderly.

• Geri-Ware shops can be stationed at every community HDB rehab service center with the products and services mentioned above.


• To establish the rehabilitation services island wide the government could start a National Community Service. This would complement the two year National Service completed by men in the army, navy, or air force. Women could complete a one year compulsory NS that involves fulfilling their work and duty in the rehabilitation programs. At a later stage, a percentage of men and women could chose between national and community service.

• National community service could be sustained by their regular personnel with national service people having a supportive and less administrative role.

• Healthy elderly in the community area can be provided with post-retirement employment by looking after the sick elderly through therapy assistant work.

• In addition, this system could provide employment to the disadvantaged, challenged, ex-drug addicts, etc., who would otherwise be unable to work. The government could develop a model for such employment, provide student grants in exchange for voluntary service, and manage a more flexible cost effective system aiding the medi-save covers for families financially drained by chronic illness.

• Salaries would be less than the private sector or other government jobs and thereby minimize costs for the government. Salaries for women serving their one-year compulsory service would be in a similar income bracket as the Military National Service. Wages for those seeking urgent employment and applying for work independent from the National Service Duty would receive lower end salaries. This is because employees would be hired only if they are unable to find employment anywhere else but require sufficient income to be self-reliant. Much like applying for the dole in a welfare system, in this case the government allocates community work in exchange for remuneration. In addition, they will be employed and allocated to a rehabilitation service at a nearby HDB residential area to their own HDB block, thereby reducing travel and food expenses. Profits from Geri-Ware could also help the government cover wages.

• Citizens can become shareholders of Geri-Ware, giving greater incentive to accepting it as a government MNC for the benefit of themselves, their communities, and the entire country by helping to propel it onto the international market.


• If a government National Community Service was in place with rehab and community services out in the community HDB infrastructure, not only would the Geri-Ware brand be developed locally but such a model could provide an ideal example of how general unemployment could be managed.

• The government could use the funds and profits gained from Geri-Ware products to cover some of the costs of running the Community National Service

• With the National Service run by regular and community national service women, it could also provide a system of welfare for those members of society that are unemployed or disadvantaged.

• By providing a welfare route whereby administrators could channel the unemployed into community service, people will be able to work within their community earning an income sufficient to keep them financially independent.

• Whether it is a disadvantaged, disabled, socially outcaste, or simply unemployed person, all can feel useful and employable and integrate into the community and maintain psychological confidence and health within the economic system.

• A flexible system should allow the smooth operation, management and allocation of staff between national community service people and those under the community Flexi-Welfare system.


With Singapore’s small and tightly run unit, a welfare system might work in which community service is used to provide adequate income for local living during unemployed work rest that could become an example to the world. Geri-Ware could also use this lucrative setting for the government and its national shareholders to promote Geri-Ware into an international brand that can be exported as a household name with One-Stop Outlets around the globe.


My concept is that in coming decades there will be a holistic approach in which alternative, ancient, and modern health practices are integrated and delivered with government backing in a practical community setting. Singapore, where I worked as a physiotherapist in Ang Mo Kio Community Hospital, has tremendous potential along these lines with its blend of west and east, contemporary and ancient modalities, a modern infrastructure, and its move towards research in biosciences and health.

With regards to alternative traditional health models, two of the most rapidly developing economies, India and China, also host the oldest systems of medicine: Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Both are still widely practiced by their vast populations and will certainly gain greater credibility as they are validated by the scientific community. In fact, for many years now Indian companies like Himalaya and others marketing natural products have expanded their overseas sales in step with the public’s increasing demand for a greater holistic approach to health.

Currently, in Singapore, the majority Chinese population is familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture but only acupuncture is used in some hospitals. Otherwise the elderly Chinese population still believes in and visits local TCM physicians. The Indian population comprises around 15% and the traditional healing system of India, Ayurveda, is only now beginning to gain acceptance in Singapore.

The current medical model has begun to research and approve some of these traditional health practices, such as acupuncture and herbs. Evidence is often based on clinical outcome studies and research into the molecular biology of natural products and relies on our present understanding of the human nervous system, theoretical models of pain, and human physiology. Though there is still a long way to go before bridging these ancient practices with the modern biomedical model, a deeper understanding and relationship between these systems will surely emerge, incorporating an expanded holistic health system in coming decades.

With this vision in mind, a health model might be developed to categorize and synthesize ancient and modern health practices. In addition, a holistic medical health course could be developed based on dividing healing modalities into:
ancient and modern, bio-environmental (including psychosocial), bio-chemical, bio-mechanical, and bio-electro-pranic/chi
into stages and levels based on their different modes of application and theoretical principles.

I have shared this because Geri-Ware, with its Community Rehab Proposal, offers possibilities with far-reaching implications. By providing a combination of ancient and modern modalities for the geriatric population, Geri-Ware and Singapore could lead the way for a new health model and simultaneously tap the huge foreign markets with their One-Stop Shops, particularly those in India and China.

With Geri-Ware in the Community National Rehab Service, the geriatric population of Singapore would be ideal for the implementation of a holistic health care service and products for the future, i.e. bio-life sciences encompassing natural and allopathic pharmaceuticals. Local promotion through the community government HDB and outpatient rehabilitation for the elderly could be a first step towards community holistic health as the government utilizes more resources towards the bio-life sciences and natural products.



Dream => for regular service men and women in the Singapore community rehabilitation i.e., health for mainly geriatric (see proposal of National & Flexi-Welfare Service).

CHI should involve all of the above modalities and develop into a comprehensive health course of 5 years which is grounded in:
Ancient & Modern Health Paradigms & Philosophies
Ancient & Modern Models & Practices
Ancient & Modern Anatomy & Physiology
Ancient & Modern Theories of Pathology
Ancient & Modern Theories & Models of Pain & Disability
Ancient & Modern Remedies & Pharmacology
Genetics, Micro and Molecular Biology, Immunology, Biotechnology
Biophysics, Biomechanics, movement & therapeutic exercise/physiology
Psychosocial, Psychology & Psycho-therapy, Spirituality (placebo, insight and faith)
Cosmo-biology, Feng-shui, Vastu, Omens & Medical Astrology
Case History, Signs and Symptoms, Mechanisms, SOAPIER format
Bioethics, Communication & Culture
Statistics (& later Research)

A pyramid scheme of learning should be used as a model where each level will seed the foundation for the next year.

YEARS 1 & 2

Students should begin with the above mentioned foundation subjects during which time they should spend six months of the two years in community health care in an apprentice role working as a therapy assistant looking after the elderly. Elderly present a more holistic model for the students to appreciate all aspects of health that the CHI model is trying to espouse These months should include work related to geriatrics, community health care, basic stroke care, IHD, osteoarthritis and diabetes management, post hip fracture and basic outpatient MS treatment. The students can use these six months to gain parallel practical work experience and put their learning in a greater perspective to fuel their confidence and enthusiasm for later theory in the 3rd and 4th years and the final year of locum placements. However, the student will still have practical classes during campus time to complement their theory and focus on those that are relevant to the six months work exposure. Much of the practical sessions will teach skills to do with patients handlings and care as well as basic physiotherapy, occupational, nursing, social and medical assistant work like passive, active movements, muscle testing, walking and mobility aids, basic nursing care, counseling, appreciation for holistic reading and interpretation of signs and symptoms from case histories, etc. The students should be able to claim some grant or reimbursement of fees for the six months of work.


A CHI CHART & MODEL of interactive health modalities could be taught as well as the relationship between modalities understood in their right categories and perspective. All the modalities taught in the first two years would initially be in relationship to an ORTHOPAEDIC biomechanical foundation (Musculoskeletal & Manipulative, etc.) and GENERAL MEDICINE bio-chemical foundation.

The course is streamed into the 4 categories approach:

i) bio-psycho-environmental
The focus will be on TCM, Ayurveda and the Mind, Cosmo-biology, Neuro-Psychology & Sociology

ii) bio-electromagnetic
Focus on 3 aspect; Electro-physical agents, Nadi/Meridien & “Vibrational” Therapies

iii) bio-mechanical
For the biomechanical aspect the focus will begin with the most physical and biomechanical aspects of health for the foundation for building other interventions; ORTHOPAEDICS inpatients and outpatients.

iv) bio-chemical
For biochemical, the focus is on both Ayurvedic, Naturopathic and Allopathic Modalities with the focus on General Medicine.

A holistic understanding of the inter-relationship and overlap between these 4 streams should be established in terms of ancient and modern health models of anatomy, physiology, pathology and the disease process. This includes an appreciation for the general influences and progressive development of disease from the subtle levels/aspects of bio-psycho-environmental to the gross bio-mechanical aspects.

SOAPIER training and writing should begin with hospital visits to outpatient departments and available inpatient departments. Students should also be required to continue their community geriatric care once a week.

YEAR 4: During this year, the course should add on:

To Orthopaedics (biomechanical) => Neurology & Paediatrics
To General Medicine (biochemical) => Cardiopulmonary focus

Their respective theories and practices are built up from the knowledge foundation from the 3rd year. All modalities address each aspect of branch with a multidimensional approach. (There is bound to be some crossover between the four streams.) Visits will be made to hospitals, alternative private practice and community geriatric rehabilitation centres.

Research methods to be taught in the 4th year, notably using multiple research methods to extrapolate patterns for controlled studies, i.e. inductive methods.

YEAR 5 could include a 7 locum visits to various health destinations. It could require visiting two hospitals, a private practice and a community setting. Also included should be a research thesis, education on community health care, current economics and sociology of health, health administration, bioethics and the job market and application.



General reforms are occurring in Singapore gearing it towards the knowledge-based economy. The government has already been making changes in the education system to promote a more creative structure that will lead to Singaporeans developing initiative, entrepreneurship, and innovation required to promote the inquiring mind that “thinks out of the box”. This is clearly necessary if we are going to grow through our research and discoveries in the locally developing fields, such as the life sciences, into a global leading force in our chosen areas of industry.

Along with this has been an opening up of public involvement and indirect participation through feedback channels to the government regarding policy-making and a genuine attempt to increase the public’s input and imagination in all matters national. Why not extend this trend through more direct participation of the general public in matters of education and entrepreneurship ?…

Another suggestion is to develop the infrastructure planning at Buona Vista/Holland Village area further. With the Research Village in Life Sciences emerging there, a new MRT under completion and the Ministry of Education nearby, a (Public/National) Innovations School would do well in the area. Ideally, the school could use off-loaded equipment and be leased at government subsidized rent; perhaps half the commercial rates. Students and members could apply for grants and assistance in developing and patenting their innovations, from research through to manufacturing, production, and marketing. Members could also include local businesses, companies, and individuals seeking assistance in developing their ideas and products.

The school could be maintained by a Trust. Those businesses or individuals, by becoming members of the school, will through written agreement consent to donate a percentage of profits made from their ideas being contributed to the Singa Trust. Over time, the school could use the donations, investments and profits to eventually become self-sustaining as a center for the development of new products through funding proposals and grants. Membership could be non-exclusive but some criteria, laws, rights and opportunities for shares in an Innovators Union/Association Company should be encouraged. Perhaps funds generated could be divided between 25% quarters for tax/rent, wages, expansion/shares and the community rehabilitation program each.

If the government undertook the Geri-Ware concept as a Pte Ltd MNC it would also support continual innovation of its products and a Singa Innovations School could be used to provide opportunities and incentives for new ideas and products by working in tandem with research in the biosciences. While the life sciences would focus on the biochemistry aspect of Geri-Ware’s offerings (i.e. oral and skin care products) the school would allow more research in the development of mechanical products (technological). In addition, ideas developed by the community members would be protected but incentives could be given through remuneration for those whose ideas become part of the Geri-Ware production line. The members should also be given public recognition for their work irrelevant of the eventual ownership of the distribution rights. The Innovations School could also develop a permanent association with the nearby research village in Buona Vista.

As in the Community Rehabilitation and Flexi-Welfare Proposal, the school could employ the retired and unemployed at a nearby HDB rehab center at lower but sufficient salaries with the same reasons as mentioned in the earlier proposals. At a later stage, there could also be Innovation Workshops at the rehabilitation center void decks of every HDB community which could be integrated into the suggested National Community Model. Initially, the headquarters could be located around Buona Vista near an HDB area to trial the idea. The old school behind Chip Bee Residency between Holland Village and Queensway seems well located for this; dividing 2 nearby HDB (rehab) estates (Queensway & Bouna Vista). In addition, many of the creative elements of Singapore live in Chip Bee Gardens with Holland Village having an exiting cosmopolitan context for an Innovations School, not to mention a weekly flea market to present items. Also, it would be near the Research Development Village as well as the Ministry of Education. The projects, located around H.V. could be summarized under Singa Ventures as follows;

SINGA VENTURES:- C.I.A. HUB (Care, Innovation & Arts)
Creative/Reformative Association of Singapore’s Innovators for Public, Humanitarian & Social Service along artistic, technological and rehabilitative lines

i) CARE (community) – rehabilitative: practical foundation
3rd strategy
Bouna Vista/Queensway HDB rehab centres and services
Government training of therapy assistants
Local self-sufficiency ie. community spirit
Geri-ware shop outlet (rehab products marketed for global MNC)

ii) INNOVATIONS (individualism) – technological: applied mental
2nd strategy
Holland Village Innovations School
Education of innovators for knowledge based economy
Innovators Union/Association (MNC of the people)
Geriware products (development)
Support (Enterprise Challenge, Manufacturers Federation, Re-makig Singapore, MOE)

iii) ARTS (association) – artistic: displayed creative
1st strategy
Creative Art Centre & School (Bohemian Carnival)
Highlight progressive Government, Holland Village vibrancy
Display Geriware and other innovations
Vibrancy, venue, platform and opportunities for creative Singaporeans
Chip Bee Gardens (Fair and Boheman Carnival)
Support NAC

7. HOLLAND VILLAGE PROPOSAL: “Chip Bee Yourself” Innovations Parade

Chip Bee Gardens residential area is one of the few places in Singapore that has maintained its original look since the colonial era when the terrace houses were used as quarters for the British Army. Today it has been upgraded into rental properties owned by the government JTC and is a popular spot where many of the foreign and native creative elements of Singapore live. It continues to grow with JTC developing parts of it where renters use the lofts for both work and living. It is also ideally located next to the proposed Innovations School and other strategic spots previously mentioned. Having lived in Holland Village and Chip Bee Gardens for over ten years, I believe it has potential to become an even more vibrant component to the Holland Village/Bouna Vista creative, educational hub of Singapore.

If the Government encouraged and supported the formation of a independently run Residents Committee co-ordinated between an elected resident and a JTC representative, the Chip Bee residents could liase with JTC to develop Chip Bee into a more attractive residential area through meeting residents needs and, an upgrading process that promoted the creative potential, venues and activity groups in Chip Bee. Chip Bee could, through its residents group meeting and activities use Chip Bee to develop net-working groups to help make contacts, exchange information, bartering of skills and generally promote the creative arts there.

JTC and the government could also use the Committee to host an annual “Chip-In & Bee Yourself Fair” for presenting the arts as well as innovations developed from the Innovations School nearby. A “Ma-Da-Lah” Parade (taking the Chinese, Indian, and Malay slang words) that is a Singlish Cultural Bohemian Mardi Gras Parade could also be held whereby the Holland Village area is closed off to allow the Parade to begin from Chip Bee and track up and around the back of Holland village. It would celebrate the diverse creative and colorful costumes made and designed by Singaporeans as well as some of the unusual innovations and contraptions invented. The mascot could be a buzzing bee with the slogan “Come and get Stung by the Creative Itch!” The evening could culminate with a cultural and musical performance and street party.

The Parade could be a once a year event and could be called “Innovations Day” on Lee Kuan Yew’s birthday. Other slogans could include “Bee Yourself,” “Invent Yourself,” “Free Yourself” and would feature not only creative costumes but technology developed at the Innovations School near the Ministry of Education. Geri-Ware Pte Ltd could use the Fair and Parade to promote and showcase their innovations and products. The JTC could offer incentives to gain the support of the Chip Bee residents.

I started a committee in 2003, with good feedback, enthusiasm and attendance by residents as well as support from JTC. I left Singapore before it could become firmly established, but still believe there are long-term benefits if such an idea was promoted in coordination with the proposals included above. For instance, the Fair and Parade could develop into a national technological and artistic event for innovations in Singapore.


The concept of rehabilitation and health care for the elderly through the above-mentioned proposals could be further developed to include providing a setting for continuing education and skills development in the HDB community for the mature aged. This expands and brings together ideas elaborated on earlier, such as the extension of outpatient rehabilitation services to include maid and tuition services, the Innovations School being incorporated into the HDB settings, and the Chip Bee community exchange idea. With the implementation and development of the earlier proposals, the Community Rehabilitation can use the HDB settings to actualize this idea. Offering education/skills courses in exchange for community service can be coordinated as part of the Flexi-Welfare System. Once training is completed, aid in finding employment or becoming entrepreneurs would be offered. Local resident’s groups can work with the National Community Service to facilitate these programs.


The “Geri-Ware” and the “Community Care” ideas lead to “Community National Service” becoming a “Flexi-Welfare Model”.

With so much of the future being oriented towards health care, the government can finance a global brand MNC – Geri-Ware and its One-Stop Shops – using the void deck HDB infrastructure for rehab services to initiate it and later incorporate it into a National Community Service System. The rehab services with the help of healthy younger seniors and the NS people would allow a Flexi-Welfare structure whereby the unemployed and those seeking grants by trading services for scholarships would provide a workable model wherein economics is balanced by humanitarian considerations into an efficient and viable system.

I hope some of these ideas will be considered within the larger context of Singapore’s future and its emerging global role. I offer them with the conviction they can be implemented for the country’s welfare through the government’s proven capacity to create economically and socially worthwhile programs.



The last idea is currently underway in Singapore, with reforms recently introduced to bring about a more creative approach to education. One such adaptation has been the introduction of the International Baccalaureate as an alternative option to the “A” level system.

I believe that such educational reforms are an essential aspect of the above proposals and that further modifications are required in the Singapore schooling system to accommodate the demands of the changing knowledge-based economy. These should include introducing a transitional model that respects the existing system but provides steps in streaming in more innovative approaches to teaching and learning. I am developing methods to do this so as to modernize the current process without compromising secular knowledge and academic results. Initially, the adaptation can be trialed by a pilot syllabus in parallel to the mainstream curriculum, using hourly sessions twice a week within the current timetable. It will provide a guideline for teachers that will suggest methods to provide an environment that will enhance creativity, enquiry and problem solving. This longer proposal, on ‘reforms in school – edu-care, edu-create and educate’, can be sent upon request. A copy of the content page, introduction and initial 7 chapters of the “Edu-create” proposal have been made available for your review.



1. 9 points as presented on 1st proposal, notably;

- Geriware MNC
- Community National Service (buffer)
- Flexi-welfare Model
(employment from and for government flat or Housing Development Board (HDB) infrastructure at lower costs and effective wages)

2. ADDITIONALLY, Geriware (one stop shop for integrated elderly care services and products) Business as an alternative employment route for Military National Service and Community National Service men or women .ie. channeled into military, community or business with the latter providing international opportunities later ie. postings, exposure and global experience for Singaporeans.

Thus, the government can start are partially public company like SIA owned by, and for, the people that, like the Community national service, is buffered by a mixture of national service, regular, flexi-welfare-employment and volunteer staff. Computer and infra-structure to effective, quick and transparent administration


3. During the economic and global difficulties and credit crisis, confidence is low and the project would keep the blood and liquidity flowing in locally to buffer the crisis and weather the storm as Governments take a Keynesian model approach to the the global recession with "big" government intervention.

4. Unemployment up can be directed into low wage employment for people in their HDB area

5. Foreign employment partially employed with regional advantages for helping towards maintaining stability and growth in the region at lower costs for Singapore

6. Geriware would help towards promoting global trade with emerging economies (India - cotton) and China (steel) for the Geriware products, as well as allow expansion of Geriware at a later date into the huge opportunities and markets for health and the aged there.

7. These times can allow Singapore to develop Geriware and the community model at these cheaper costs to, also, be ready for greater advantages at a later date, when there is more economic growth and the tide turns for the better; adding to confidence and future growth.

8. Helps stimulate and maintain a demand in Singapore's strength in Bio-life sciences and research.

9. Has psychological benefits of making Singaporeans more united with a move towards community welfare and spirit during turbulent times.

10. Another additional suggestion here is to plan to install enclosed soccer pits or games quadrangles at every HDB area. This is to also encourage young Singaporeans to mix culturally during these formative years that promotes the community spirit in the long run and compliment the Community Flexi-welfare Geriware suggestion.

11. Another suggestion revisited is that the Singapore government should reconsider the educational proposal sent as the edu-create proposal to minister Shanmugam when he was the Minister for Education. In particular, Table 9 indicated the type of mind mapping needed to help students cross referencing subject learning to promote creative thinking for the global economy and, the need to develop educationalists that are not just teachers.

Here, it is suggested that an international training school drawing on the best of international teachers should be attracted and brought to Singapore to train teachers in advanced teaching to become such educationalist who can impart a global education based on the edu-creative process (ie. association by 5 model mind mapping).

Teachers who pass through the educationalist program should be directing other teachers through the school programs, syllabus and class workshops to impart this synthetic creative global thinking too. These teacher-educationalist should be paid substantially more, commiserate to their responsibilities in guiding the knowledge based youth and economy of Singapore. The international teacher trainers should be attracted likewise.

12. That Singapore can become a Utopian models state both materially and spiritually in an economically viable system during these trying times via the National and commercial military, community and business service opportunities. The geriware HDB model could be piloted at various strategic locations before making it nationalized into a working community flexi-welfare service model.

Finally, I would like to comment that I have absolutely no vested interest in these ideas other than contributing suggestions as a citizen towards turning the national recession; in its global context; into a possible opportunity for Singapores' long term growth, employment and quality of life after the economic down turn has ended.........

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