This is the last post on Jyotish. Just a brief intro to astrology and then one can learn from books, on line courses or the net if they have been inspired to.
Learning astrology is like learning a new language which in this case is a metaphoric rather than literal one, with each planet corresponding to many areas of life. These have to be learned and applied through experimenting with the rules of Vedic astrology; using ones observation and inductive logic to make symbolic associations and synthesizing astrological confluences in order to start to "see" trends that pop out of a chart to match actual observational facts.
Often it helps to start by taking a psychological approach to understanding oneself before venturing into predictions, as destiny is a reflection of our character. With this approach astrology becomes a tool for self-knowledge (of our individual nature, habits, strengths and weakness) and thereby becomes a spiritual assistance towards liberation through understanding and insight into ourselves, others and life. With more and more practice in reading charts confidence will begin to grow and its exercise on the intuitive muscle will begin to flex, allowing the left brain analytical logic to find a portal through the visuo-spatial nature of symbolism to awaken the bindu chakra to see and not just infer relative truths.
Swami has acknowledged astrology as a divine science but what He told Hislop (in conversations with God) is most essential is the purity of life and discrimination (ie. Gayatri mantra to awaken the ajna chakra) to sensitise this process and vision. Otherwise it becomes very difficult to be receptive to the higher vibrations needed to unfold these gifts of the mind. And despite clairvoyance not being essential for self-realisation astrology, more than this, allows a deeper tolerance and vision of the unity of life through reading the beauty of Gods laws and oneness of consciousness.
To start with it can be tedious, a bit like computers, but once one gets the hang of it ones enthusiasm often grows. So here are some brief explanations of the metaphoric meanings ascribed to planets, signs, houses leading to some basic examples of rules that make up some important yogas.
PSYCHOLOGY OF PLANET -self knowledge & counseling
Each planet is a significator and metaphor for some aspect of life that can be divided into inner, relationship or outer. A few examples will be given for each.
i) Outer ii) Relationship iii) Inner
1. Sun => i) Government, Gold, Temple, anything assocaited with power ii) Father, King, Authorities, Boss iii) Bones, Heart, Eyes, Spine, Character, Will, Ego, Vision, Leadership
2.Moon => i) Public, Silver, Restaurants, Agriculture, Cotton ii) Mother, Queen, Cooks, Nurses iii) Stomach, Mind, Imagination, Face
3. Mars => i) Armies, Police, Wars ii) Brothers, Men, Commander in chief, Generals iii) Bone Marrow, Blood, Adrenals, Sexual Organs, Courage, Energy, Anger, Forehead
4. Mercury => i) Schools, Libraries, Books ii) Friends, Cousins, Maternal Uncle iii) Skin, Synapses, Brain, Intelligence, Discrimination, Communication, Speech
5. Jupiter => i) Treasury, Institutions ii) Teachers, Gurus, Husband iii) Liver, Fat, Thighs, Grace, Faith, Knowledge, Intuition
6. Venus => i) Entertainment, Clubs, Parlours ii) Wife, Women, Lovers, iii) Sexual Glands, Sperm, Kidneys, Love, Beauty, Music, Joy
7. Saturn => i) Prisons, Asylums etc.. ii) Servants, Very Old, Poor iii) Nerves, Hairs & Nails, Teeth, Discipline, Sterness, Control, Responsibility, Maturity
The Nodes below reveal a lot about re-incarnation and evolutionary statsu and psychic potential in a chart.
8. Rahu => i) Foreign places, High places etc.. ii) Astronomers, Astrolgers, Scientists, Strangers iii) Imagination, Originality, Independence, Occult Powers
(lord of the sign where Rahu is becomes the karmic distribution planet and reveals a lot about the perons direction in this life)
9. Kethu => i) Mysterious places ii) Mystics, Healers, Gnanis iii) Spirituality, Subtle discrimination, Psychic Powers
(lord of the sign where Kethu is become the karmic control planet and reveals a lot about a person past and spirituality. The relationship between the two lord of teh nodes are called the planetary army of the chart and have a strong role of fate in the chart)
The above approach to planets is given by Rishi Parasara and are called Brahma Karakas (metaphoric indicators or significators). There are also Jaimini's Vishnu Karakas which are determined by the longitude of a planet and are important in determining relationships (Atmakara = Self => Darakara = Spouse) and another, Sthira Karakas, are used in determining death. However, it is too advanced to go into here.
Benefic vs Malefic Nature of Planets
All planets have a natural status as follows:-
Jupiter, Venus and waxing Moon are considered benefic planets
Saturn, Mars, Rahu & kethu are considered malefic planets
Mercury is neutral and mutable - its nature get influenced by which of the 2 categories he is associated with -malefic when with malefics and benefic when with benefics.
(Sun, Moon & Jupiter are Satwic planets, Mercury & Venus are Rajasic, Saturn, Mars & Nodes are Tamasic)
Planetary symbolism & Friendship
Some planet are friendly with each other, some neutral and some enemies. Generally, this is gender based with masculine planets friendly with each other and female with each other.
Sun, Jupiter & Mars - friends
Venus, Mercury, Saturn - friends
Some are neutral eg. Jupiter & Saturn
Some are enemies eg. Sun/Moon with Rahu or Kethu
Generally, a planet placed in a sign ruled by a friendly lord is well placed there eg. Sun in Sagittarius and Aries
The following are the signs according to their planet, phrase, animal, element, quality, body part and professions
Aries/Mars = I am vs I bully = Ram = Fire = Cardinal (Dynamic) = Head of Cosmic Man = Pioneers, Leaders, Warriors
Taurus/Venus = I have vs I hoard = Bull = Earth = Fixed (Stable) = Face & Throat = Singers, Models, Real Estate, Businessman, Agriculture & Farmers
Gemini/Mercury = I think or I trick = Twins = Air = Mutable (Changeable) = Arms and Shoulders = Intellectuals, Jounralists, Communicators, Computers
Cancer/Moon = I care or cling = Crab = Water = Cardinal = Chest = Carers, Nurses, Mothers, Cooks
Leo/Sun = I will or dominate = Lion = Fire = Fixed = Solar Plexus, Spine, Eyes = CEOs, Bosses, Creative, Stars, Actors, Politicians
Virgo/Mercury = I analiyse vs criticise = Virgin = Earth = Mutable = Hands & Intestines = Secretaries, Researches, Healers, Therapists, Academics
Libra/Venus = I balance or I judge = Scales = Air = Cardinal = Kidney & Lower Back = Lawyers, Dilpomates, Judges, Beaticians, Musicians
Scorpio/Mars & Kethu & Pluto = I transform or I control = Scorpio or Eagle = Water = Fixed = Sexual Organs = Warriors, Policeman, CEOs, Psycho-therapists, Underworld characters
Sagitarius/Jupiter = I seek or I waste = Centaur = Fire = Mutable = Livers, thighs = Philosophers, Athletes, Adventurers
Capricorn/Saturn = I manage or manipulate = Mountain Goat or Crocodile = Earth = Cardinal = Organisers, managers, CEOs, administrators, servants
Aquarius/Saturn/Rahu/Uranis = I know or I rebel = Man with Urn = Air = Fixed = Scientists, Astronomers & Astrologers, Mystics, Social Workers, Humanitarians, Technology
Pisces/Jupiter/Neptune = I empathise or escapre = Fish = Water = Mutable = Mystics, Poets, Comediens, Drug addictis
Houses 1 (east-head), 4 (nadir-heart), 7 (west-loins) & 10 (mid-heaven-legs/karma of achievment) are called angular houses and planets placed here are considered more prominent in the chart and the persons life. Planets Jupiter & Mercury of intelligence do especially well in the first house; emotional planets Moon & Venus in the 4th; Saturn in the 7th and planets of achievement Sun & Mars in the 10th.
Each house has a house lord depending on the sign there. For example, Swami has a Libra Ascendant which is ruled by Venus (the planet of Love) ans this becomes his Ascendant lord.
House 1 = Ascendant = Body, head, character, personality, intelligence
House2 = Face, speech, memory, wealth & family born into
House3 = Arms, brothers, courage, voice, talents, desire and prowess (skills)
House4 = Chest, heart, mother, emotion, education (upto degree level), fixed assets, land
House5 = Solar plexus, children, discrimination, good luck (speculating)
House6 = Intestines, disease, healing & service, enemies, relatives, foreigners, litigation
House7 = Loins, passion, spouse, life in foreign countries
House8 = Death, inheritance, longevity
House9 = Grace, dharma, guru, intuition, fortune, higher knowledge
House10 = Karma, achievement, status, name and fame, skill
House11 = Gains, friends, societies, dream, goals
House12 = Loss, karma, suffering, retreats, meditation, Moksha
Lordship - Temporal nature
Planets that are the lords of 1, 5 & 9 (dharmic houses) become temporal benefics by nature and those that are the lords of 3, 6, 8, 12 become temporal malefics. Thus, if a planet is a natural benefic (like Jupiter) but lord of the 8th house (temporal malefic) he becomes neutral giving mixed results. But as the lord of the 1st, 5th or 9th he would become an even greater benefic in the chart by placement and aspects. The same holds true for natural malefics such as Saturn. However, aspects also have to be considered (covered further down). Note: also that benefics as lords of angles (house 1, 4, 7 & 10) become malefic in temporal status and the reverse is true for malefics. Also that natural benefics tend to do well in trinal houses (1, 5 & 9) whilst natural maelfics tend to do well in upachaya houses (3, 6, 10 & 11, gaining strength over time)
Confluence of Indicators:
When looking at a planetary position one has to consider the above three ie. Swami's Ascendant is Libra. He has neutral Mercury (temporal benefic 9th lord of Gemini) in the Ascendant. So the 3:- Planet (Mercury), Sign (Libra) and House (1st Ascendant) come together through the house. And the confluence of these three indicators have to be kept in mind when analysing each house. As far as Swami's Ascendant, the 9th lord of Grace Mercury in the Ascendant (character) in Libra (the sign of balance) reveals the potential natural (Sahaja) Sama-dhi of equipoise in any chart.
Planetary: All planets give an aspect to their own sign and the opposite sign. So in Swami's chart, his Mars in Aries aspects the Mercury in Libra by a 7th aspect.
Special Aspects: Some of the planets also give special aspects: Jupiter as well as 1st & 7th gives its full aspect to signs 5 and 9 away. Saturn also gives 3 & 10 away. Rahu gives 5 & 9. Mars gives 4 & 8. Thus, in Swami's chart Mars by its 8th aspect also fully aspects Scorpio (8 away from Aries) giving its full aspect to Sun, Mercury and Venus (Ascendant lord) there and by aspecting its own sign strengthens all these positions.
Sign Aspects: Planets in fixed signs aspect all cardinal signs (except the one next to it). Planets in cardinal signs aspect fixed ones except the one next to it. Planets in mutable signs aspect other planet in mutable signs. In swami's chart, the Mercury in Libra Ascendant (cardinal) is not aspected but Scorpio (because it is the sign next to it) but (fixed) Scorpio's aspect to and from (cardinal) Aries is re-inforced.
There are an extraordinary amount of yogas in Jyotish. Some involve simple clear rules and some require the rare and complex combinations of many subtle factors. In Swamis, chart there is one obvious one, one slightly complex, and one more rare yoga that I can see. I will explain these after using the most common use of lordships in determining raja yogas (for greatness)
Raja Yogas
Angular house (1, 4, 7 & 10) are considered houses of power and planets here gain prominence and called house of Laxshami. Houses (1, 5 & 9) are called houses of dharma and Vishnu and considered houses of luck and fortune. Whenever these two house lords are together (Laxshami & Vishnu) or mutally aspecting each other and in angular houses this gives rise to Raja Yogas. The best and most current example I can think of is Obama's chart.
Obama, has a Libra Lagna, like Swami, Ramana, Ghandi and many other influential people. He has Saturn in the Capricorn in it own sign in the 4th house (already a great yoga and 9th from the Moon) and in the opposite house, the 10th, he has Mercury (the 9th lord) in the 10th (also another yoga). Their mutal 7th full aspect constitutes a very powerful raja yoga and involving the 10th house has made him an international leader and politician with a very powerful case of a Raja Yoga. The Sun with the Mercury in Cancer and the Jupiter in Capricorn with Saturn also gives him great intelligence and a very pragmatic approach to the economy. His Ascendant and Moon exalted in Venus signs makes him charismatic whilst his Mars with Rahu in the 11th house in Leo gives him the power of oratorship.
Common: Both Swami and Obama have Mahapurusha Yogas. Of course, they are not on the same level! But just wanted to make it interesting. They also both have Neechabhanga Raja Yogas for Jupiter. What do these yogas mean...?
Mahapurusha Yogas are formed when a planet is in an angle in its own, moola or exaltaion sign (ie. best places and in position of angular prominence and power). For Swami this is Mars in the 7th in Aries (Ruchaka Yoga) making him a great expression of Mars (energy) and for Obama it is Saturn in Capricorn in the 4th (Sashi Yoga) making him a great expression of discipline and maturity. Interestingly, Ghandhi had the same Ascendant and a Mahapurusha Yoga with Venus in its own sign in Libra (Malvya Yoga), the Ascendant (making him the supreme peace maker and advocate of Ahimsa / non-violence)
Comlicated Neechabhanga Raja Yoga are formed when a planet is in debilitation (worse and weakest sign) but gets reversed by being aspected by its lord, the lord of, or exaltation planet, for the debilitation sign being angular to the Ascendant and Moon. This sounds complicated but in Swami's chart 2 conditions for the yoga apply - Capricorn where Jupiter is debilitated get aspected by lord Saturn from Scorpio and the exaltation planet for Capricorn is angular to the Ascendant by being in the 7th house. Not only this, by Jupiter being in an angle (4th) the reversed yoga also gains raja yoga status. Interestingly, Obama has the same yoga by Saturn being with Jupiter in the 4th. This both shows, that both Swami and Obama have come from poor roots (4th house) and both are fighting for the poor (Saturn).
Rare - Adhi Sakti. Whilst the above yoga seems complicated it is not as subtle to detect as it is very commonly found in charts. This yoga, on the other hand, is quite rare and swami has it in full measure as explained in the previous post. Whenever Rahu and Moon conjoin in or mutually aspecting the 9th house it gives rise to Adi Sakti yoga.
Complicated & Rare - There are more complicated yogas that are also rare and subtle to detect but I do not have the ability to see them and think it gets more tedious to explain of understand here.
More Advanced Factors in Astrology
Also advanced factors in astrology such as strength factors (qualitative by analysis and quantative by Shadbala & Vimshopak), Divisional charts (Hora upto D60), Arudha Lagna, bhava chakra, Nakshatras, and other astrological knowledge is too advanced for here but gets very interesting once basic material is covered.
Reading a chart requires logical steps and at each step a memory of all the metaphoric symbolism and confluences covered kept in mind before taking the next step. It requires a synthetic way of discriminating and co-ordinating factors to see trends in the chart. It can be confusing at first in being able to prioritise influences after weighing them up. But the great thing is that you can enter anywhere using your own chart and start to look at any planet, sign and house position and reflect on the influences that are relevant to your self. With practice, experience and confidence, the chart should become a clearer mirror to understanding the language and laws of astrology and a more methodical approach can be developed in time. Ultimately, these steps are important to allow the intuition to develop in between trying to be too analytical. Trusting in the process and in own intuition are essential for the inner jyotisha to wake up.
Basic Steps to start with:
i) Consider the influence of (and planets on) the Ascendant, its lord (& Arudha lagna) & Moon
ii) Notice number of planets (benefic vs malefic) in angles (as well as on Ascendant)
ii) Note strength of the 3 main points: Ascendant & its lord, Moon and Sun. If these are strong the foundation of the chart is strong. Remember the luminaries are the givers of life and light to the body (Ascendant) and the reading of the chart their astronomical orientation and light influence should always be kept in mind
iv) Read the patten of the chart through lordship ... ie. lord of Ascendant goes to which house, whose lord goes to another place etc... helps remember the chart and see patterns
v) Read the chart house by house .. from 1st to 12th considering influence, aspects and yogas with each planets placement in a house. The Navamsa divisional (D9) chart is also very important to see if the potential in the the basic chart (Rasi) manifests. Also note that divisional charts represent subtler levels of karma. D1-12 (conscious) D13-24 (higher mental) D25-36 (subconscious) D36-48 (Karma of parents and lineage), D48-60 (Superconscious)
When it comes to prediction there are 6 main approaches
i) Planetary Periods - every planet governs a period of life. eg. Moon infancy to Saturn and old age as well as planets have maturity points when their influence gains prominence eg. Saturn at 36 years old
ii) House distribution - segments of the chart indicate periods o life too and have to be similarly analysed. ie. first half of chart (houses 1-6) indicate earlier part of life. Eg, rahu in the second half of chart usually indicates a more prosperous later life.
iii) Dasa (star & sign) - the main prediction in astrology is taken by what we call Dasa (planetary periods) There are over 40 Dasa systems and each one has a specific use in prediction eg. Shoola dasa for death, Kalachakra dasa etc.. The most popular for Kali Yuga is Vimsottari Dasa. This uses the Nakshatra (star) position of the Moon and uses its planetary ruler (one of the 9) to start a 120 year cycle from, with each planet running one after the other for a duration that it rules. Depending on the planet running its period, its position in the natal chart gets activated. ie. the planet position in the chart and its lordship over houses (areas of life) have to be assessed thoroughly for how the fruit of karma manifest (looking at aspects and yogas for the running planet or sign that gets activated etc.). Some other useful Dasa systems are sign based (eg. Narayana, Yogini & Maha Dasa). Using the appropriate Dasa is like a doctor having to use the right instrument to detect the right disease. These Dasa can be broken into sub periods to fine-tune timing and are often used with planetary transits to mark the actual fruition of events.
iv) Transits - are the current position of transiting planets in relation to the natal chart and are the most common use in western astrology. Jyotisha uses it along with the dasa systems ie. the dasa and sub lord in transit in the natal chart. A famous transit is the difficult transit of Saturn over the Moon called the 7 and half years of Sade Shani. Slower moving planets are always examined - Rahu, Saturn & Jupiter; especially from the natal Moon position (Gochara). Transits are important in seeing how the karma is being activated in the context of the larger dasa and bhukti periods.
v) Ashtavarga - is a system of calculation whereby planets relative to each other project their rays to other signs around the chart. Thus, each of the 12 signs have various values based on the amount of overall planetary influence on it. This system is often used to see the power and effect of transits into a sign.
vi) Panchanga - this is commonly used for timing events (Muhurta) and is based on 5 factors: day, Nakshatra of the Moon (one of 27 stars used in Vedic Zodiac), Karana (Waxing of waning Moon), Tithi (which day of the Moons phase - often used for propriating apppropriate Gods), Yogi (combination of solar and lunar distance). Also each day, each planet has a 2 hourly rotation of rulership and is used to determine auspicious activities (ie. not during Rahu Kala or hour)
The 27 Nakshatras are the most important influences in Vedic Astrology rather than the 12 Signs which represents more the manifestation of these influences. They reveal the energy, mythology and language of the Gods as revealed in the Vedas. Each Nakshatra has a planetary ruler and a Vedic one and helps understand the deeper forces at work. The 27 Nakshatra each have 4 padas (or parts) and this makes up the 108 aspects in the chart. Each pada is the same as a 9th divisional segment of a sign. The Navamsa is the 9th divisional chart in astrology (divisional too complicated to mention here) and is the most important chart along with the main chart to revealing the actualisation of potential and spirituality in the chart. The Atmakaraka (a Jaimini indicator not mentioned above) is determined by the planet with the highest longitude of all the signs (ie.closest to 30 degrees), and its position in the 9th divisional is very important in determining spirituality and moksha in a chart (ie. esp kethu in the 12th from it in a Jupiter's sign can indicate moksha)
Planet to Deity to Gem
Each planet rules a deity (often found in the Vedas - Rig Ved)
Sunday - Sun - Siva - Gayatri - Rama - 12 Suns - Mitra, etc.. => RUBY (ring finger)
Monday - Moon - Uma & Siva - Varuna (Soma) - Krishna => PEARL (ring finger)
Tuesday - Mars - Murugan or Hanuman - Agni - Narastmha => RED CORAL (ring finger)
Wednesday - Mercury - Vishnu & Saraswati - Buddha => EMERALD (little finger)
Thursday - Jupiter - Brihaspati - Indra (Prana) -Vamana => YELLOW TOPAZ (index finger)
Friday - Venus - Laxsami - Parasurama => DIAMOND (ring finger)
Saturday - Saturn - Brahma or Yama (Hanuman) => BLUE SAPHIRE (middle finger)
Rahu - Durga or Kali => HESSONITE
Kethu - Ganesh or Bhairava => TIGERS EYE
A lot of remedials in astrology involve a combination of yantra (instrument), mantra (appropriate mantra for appeasing the planet) and tantra (technique and timing). Whilst prayers, homas and pujas are active forms of technique for propriating the respective deities or imbibing the planetary ray that is weak or afflicted in ones chart, the most passive and simple method employed in Jyotish is through the use of gems.
Gems are worn on fingers or as pendants as condensed forms of fire and light that resonant and attract cosmic rays into the person's system through the nadis that run through the fingers and around the body. Often a gem is used that is a benefic in the persons chart (such as the Ascendant lord or pendant of trinal lords) or is weak, or the person is running as a dasa of the planet, or the person's occupation requires more of the related planetary energy (eg. healing rays of emerald for doctors). Good quality gems with appropriate prayer and regular cleansing are part of the remedial measures taken to wearing and getting the maximun effect out of gems. Care must also be taken not to wear the wrong gems eg. Blue Saphire of Saturn has to be carefully chosen not to increase its cooling properties as well as the malefic influences of Saturn into ones life.
Jyotish is the eye of the Vedas and the highest limb that was taught in ancient India as a preparation for understanding the Vedas from a scientific point of view. Ultimately, it helps along with Swami's Jyotish meditation and the gaytari mantra in opening ones inner intuitive eye by exercising the analytical left brain with the symbolic right and allowing the jyotish to bring the intelligence of the mind into the heart such that you become one (in the light of consciousness) with the object of contemplation (ie, the chart & person).... I hope this is enough of a reason for it to be eventually bought back into an associative, metaphoric method in schools. If only to make people learnt by association and metaphor as well as just by the usual literal and mathematical ways, the language of jyotish could help spiritualise education. In the meantime, hoep this post has made the value of learning astrology for oneself apparent.
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