It will hopefully provide the SAI-entific foundation for later posts and dialogues, such as to appreciate our ecology and the new sources of alternative energy that use the conversion of electro-magnetic, mechanical, solar and bio-fuels, as well as a philosophy of consciousness; putting the Model in perspective in the light of yoga, religion and spirituality.
PHYSICS (electricity, magnetism & gravity)
1) PLANET/NATURE =>Ecology & Alternative Energies (solar, mechanical, electro-magnetic, bio-fuels)
2) INDIVIDUAL/CONSCIOUSNESS => Chemistry (molecules & atoms) => Biology (science, physics & chemistry of consciousness) => neuro-biology, language of the brain, psychology (yoga, jyotish & religion), philosophy of consciousness => nano-technology (consciousness in matter) to bio-technology
1) PLANET/NATURE =>Ecology & Alternative Energies (solar, mechanical, electro-magnetic, bio-fuels)
2) INDIVIDUAL/CONSCIOUSNESS => Chemistry (molecules & atoms) => Biology (science, physics & chemistry of consciousness) => neuro-biology, language of the brain, psychology (yoga, jyotish & religion), philosophy of consciousness => nano-technology (consciousness in matter) to bio-technology
19th Century = 6 aspects of physics => 1. Dynamics - Laws of Motion 2. Themo-dynamics - Laws of Temperature & Heat Energy 3. Waves - The Study of Oscillations of continuous media 4. Optics - The Study of Light 5. Electricity 6. Magnetism
20th C => By the beginning of 20th C, these branches had been reduced to two.
1. Atomic hypothesis, thermo-dynamic and wave mechanics were swallowed up by dynamics
"All of physics, it seemed could be explained in terms of particles (the atoms) and fields
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A particle is endowed with the capability to generate a field filling all the space around it and influencing the motion of other particles. All forces arose from these fields. Particle generates field, field influences particle: this was all that ever happened in the universe.This nineteenth-century world view known as classical physics was stirred but not shaken by the discovery of a new symmetry in 1905. In everyday experience, space and time are completely different. We can move about in space; we can return home as many times as we like. Time, on the other hand, moves inexorably forward; there is no return. Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity forced physicists to change their perception of space and time. They are intrinsically intertwined - they are , in fact, two aspect of a single reality, which was termed space-time.
Classical physics was shaken to its foundations by another set of discoveries around the turn of the century. The odd couple that triggered the earthquake was radio-activity and neon lights. According to quantum physics, which was developed to deal with the new phenomena, particles sometimes behaved like waves, as if they were not small and hard but spread out like a field. At the same time, fields could behave like particles. The two entities, particles and fields, that had seemed so different were starting to show a family resemblance.
By mid-century, physicists had successfully woven together the old, classical field idea and the new theories of special relativity and quantum mechanics. The framework that emerged from this union, known as relativistic quantum field theory, would prove remarkably robust. Indeed, it would be the framework used for fundamental physics for the rest of the century and the language in which the Standard Model would be expressed.
The discovery of quarks, hidden inside protons and neutrons, led to the discovery of a new and unsuspected symmetry, a new kind of "twist" of the quarks that leaves the world unchanged. This symmetry, called color symmetry, is intimately connected with the force that binds quarks into protons and neutrons, the strong force.
The great breakthrough that made a Theory of Almost Everything possible came with the realisation that a symmetry (of the color symmetry type) could break spontaneously, just as a tree can spontaneously fall. We will learn how spontaneous symmetry breaking allowed physicists to predict the existence of new, never before observed particles. The discovery of all but one of those particles, with precisely the properties predicted by the theory, was the crowning achievement that confirmed the Standard Model. This downfall of symmetry is responsible for the very existence of matter as we know it.
Particles, fields and symmetry: These are the great themes of twentieth-century physics. At the same time that it answers many questions, the Standard Model raises many new ones. Why do quarks come in six different "flavors"? Why are electrons so much lighter than the quarks, and neutrinos so much lighter than the electron? What's the deal with that remaining particle of the Standard Model, the Higgs particle, which hasn't been detected (yet?) What about dark matter and dark energy - where do they fit in? Perhaps the answer lies with new particles, or with new symmetries. Perhaps a completely new approach is needed."
Paradoxically, gravity is more noticeable to us because it is the weakest force. A proton, for example, has the smallest electric charge that it's possible to isolate in nature, yet the electric force between two protons is immensely larger (by a factor of 10 to the power of 36!) than the gravitational force between them. Because the electric force is so strong, matter tends to hang out in neutral clumps, with equal amounts of positive and negative charges. The positive and negative charges cancel each other out, and the resulting neutral clump doesn't feel any electric force from other neutral clumps. This is why we never see, for instance, an apple flying up out of a tree due to electrical repulsion from the Earth. The Earth is nearly neutral, apples are nearly neutral, so the net electric force is small compared to the gravitational force. Whenever an imbalance of charge is created, as when you shuffle across a rug, picking up extra negatively charged electrons from the rug, the imbalance will correct itself at the first opportunity. When you touch the doorknob, the extra electrons try to escape your body,repelled not by your personality, but by their mutual electric force and attracted toward any extra positive charges in the door knob. The same things happens when lightening strikes, when a large amount of charge flows back to the Earth from an electrically charged cloud, restoring electric neutrality.
Electric and magnetic forces, however, are much more important in everyday life than refrigerator magnets and static cling. The electric engine that runs the refrigerator contains magnets and uses electricity, as do the engines for your vacuum cleaner, your weed whacker, TV, a stereo, pick up the phone, cook on an electric range, or play electric guitar. Light is an electro-magnetic effect, whether it comes from a light bulb or form the Sun. Your nerves send electric signals, so by the events in your brain and your body. What's more, all chemical reactions may be traced to the electric and magnetic interactions of the atoms and molecules involved. your body operates by way of chemical reactions, so electric forces are ultimately responsible for your movement, digestion, breathing, and thinking. I t is electric forces that hold matter together, so the chair you are sitting in would not exist without electric forces. Far from being irrelevant for everyday life, electric and magnetic forces, together with gravity, are everyday life, or at lest they are the substrate that makes life possible " (Theory of Almost Everything b y Robert Oerter)
The remaining part of this post is about my thoughts as I wonder if there is an even larger theory of everything in and outside the sole context of physics but with phsyics as the scientific foundation or scaffolding for consciousness.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The remaining part of this post is about my thoughts as I wonder if there is an even larger theory of everything in and outside the sole context of physics but with phsyics as the scientific foundation or scaffolding for consciousness.
The Body => Physics (electro-magnetic hard-wiring of brain and body = nervous system) => Chemistry (molecules & atoms) => Biology (science, physics & chemistry) => neuro-biology, language of the brain, psychology (yoga, jyotish & religion)
=> Yoga of 6 nerve, nadi, endocrine, organ plexus upto 7th brain (electro-magnetic chemistry of consciousness)
Having read the above, I would like to consider and pose some theories for questioning and dialogue...? Any physicists out there...?!
GRAVITY & GOD (AUM - the word made flesh) - specualtions on physics...?
* Perhaps gravity occurs in a closed universe (as swami has given the size) whose circumferential pressure (Ganesh) keeps it all reverberating as AUM...?
*That this same principle of gravitation on earth (as being a lesser force but felt more than other force due to closer inter-actions of electro-magnetic forces canceling each other out) operates throughout the Universe but the larger electro-magentic forces of fields around bodies cancel each other out...?
*That this same principle of gravitation on earth (as being a lesser force but felt more than other force due to closer inter-actions of electro-magnetic forces canceling each other out) operates throughout the Universe but the larger electro-magentic forces of fields around bodies cancel each other out...?
* Can it be the inter-action of galactic electro-magnetic forces (Standard Model) that neutralise each other to make gravitational forces seem strongest throughout the universe..... that this force comes from a circumferential pressure of dark matter greatest at this periphery.... and that our solar system and earth is somehow uniquely placed to find the right balance for water, micro-organism and human life to have evolved by Darwinian cosmic karma...?
* That from this, singularity (of black holes) to the big bang is effected by the same gravitational external force that makes it feel as internal ... much like the Sun was thought to rotate around the earth...? ... is this tied up with string theory...? I really would like to know...?!
Perhaps in yogic physiology this is the force of reality on the electromagnetic chakra systems (ruled by Muruga in Hinduism), that with the merging of the pranic life force/light with the environment (space of consciousness) gets the same vortex of singularty into the atmic seed in the Heart with the knot of ignorance (tamo guna causal memory body) unveiled revealing the unfathonable void of reality or our true nature...?
Does Self -inquiry keep the attention here in order for the source of the "I" (mind ands it electro-magnestic vehicle) get pulled gravitationally into the heart by the real I ... to abide as the underlying screen of timeless, spaceless Reality...?
Then perhaps whatever expansion of mind, from limited individual to cosmic is only the same reflection in the one ever changing unreal consciousness..?
JYOTISH (Yogic Astrology) TO RELIGION (Psychology & Murugan)
It is also interesting that in esoteric Yogic physiology, religion and astrology, Murugan or the personification of Mars rules the science of Yoga and electro-magnestism that runs throughout the body. He is in charge of the kundalini force with the tail of the kundalini in the manipura chakra (coil at base of spine) or solar plexus where kethu (the south node dragons tail) is ruled by Scorpio (kundalini sign) and releases the force to rise up the chakras to reach the head (Aries, where the Sun gains exaltation) and descend into the heart (Leo - ruled by the Sun). (Interstingly, in maharishi jyotish or vedic astrology the 9 main planets are correlated to various 9 ganglia in the brain eg. globus pallidus to Jupiter)
The spear/vel represents this force that raises to eventually pierce ignorance through one-pointed attention granting fixity in the Self and the victory of self knowledge and realisation (Jnana) represented by the Flag. Murugan rules libra in astrology and the peaco0ck or bird (eagle-Scorpio) is the vehicle of transcendence but also the knowledge that conquers pride.
Ultimately, Murugan symbolises the perfected Man who has attained freedom or moksha through self-knowledge. Swami, Ramana Maharishi and Ghandi all have their Ascendent in Libra with many planets in Scorpio and Aries revealing control and balance over the potent powers of transformation and yoga . Interesting Obama has the same Ascendent ....?!
Self- realisation is the beginning and end of yoga (or tapas -austerity) and starts with self-inquiry and ends with conviction. Ganesh represents this intelligence and discrimination for self knowledge that is the purpose of Yoga. Swami gives an analogy in scriptures of Ganesh having gone around Siva-Sakti (gravitational pull of the Self in the Heart) rather than Murugan as the path of (electro-magnetic) yoga that awakens the kundalini to go up to the crown to receive cosmic force, expansion and mind.
Symbolically, it reveals that if one stays fixed in the self (ganesh) eliminating the unreal, the kundalini rises automatically (without the need for tapas of going around all the chakras ie. worlds by Muruga's approach) as Siva is the ever present reality out of which, on which, and in which the appearance and apperception of Maya happens leading to the illusion of name, forms, attributes and properties...
Thus, the path of self-inquiry is the direct path and yoga, the indirect, because the latter's focus is on the body to be transcended whilst the former eliminates the identification at the bud through discarding the separative mind itself. And in physics, according to this logic, electro-magnetism needs the foundation of gravity; much like the analogies given in Rbert oerter's earlier explanations of electro-magnetism and gravity.
=> nano-technology (consciousness in matter) to bio-technology
=> nano-technology (consciousness in matter) to bio-technology
From neuro-biology to consciousness and nan0-technology to bio-tech, science is discovering sub-fractals in matter that reveals a sub-atomic kalaedescopic world where consciousness exists there too. And this has been well exemplified by the effects of thoughts, words and prayers on water crystalizations.
So prayer to deities (animism) can help understand why, in the Hindu epic of the Ramayana, swami said the hill of herbs that did not get picked by Hanuman to restore Laxshaman and serve Rama cried..?!).
Since the Ramayana, with all its stories of occult Mayic powers used in the battelfield, the internet and technology has externalised nature and our potential again to be made available to all (having been programed by us with the parallel potential of wiring in our brains to explain telepathy and powers of mind such as the siddhis in Pantanjali Yoga Sutras). Understandings of nature and consciousness are finding union in the electro-magnetic neural systems in our brains (especially, the brain stem with its reticular activating system in the medulla oblingata and governing many of the functions related to the lower 3 chakras)
So from our thoughts (I think and therefore I am), to physics, yoga (body-mind complex), a science of consciousness, a philosophy of Advaita, non-dualism and non-doer-ship to a possibility that it is all happening by itself or not at all (non-causality), I look forward to a practical theory of everything with its practice in consciousness (yoga) understood in science and physics... the electro-magnetic yoga..?!
So prayer to deities (animism) can help understand why, in the Hindu epic of the Ramayana, swami said the hill of herbs that did not get picked by Hanuman to restore Laxshaman and serve Rama cried..?!).
Since the Ramayana, with all its stories of occult Mayic powers used in the battelfield, the internet and technology has externalised nature and our potential again to be made available to all (having been programed by us with the parallel potential of wiring in our brains to explain telepathy and powers of mind such as the siddhis in Pantanjali Yoga Sutras). Understandings of nature and consciousness are finding union in the electro-magnetic neural systems in our brains (especially, the brain stem with its reticular activating system in the medulla oblingata and governing many of the functions related to the lower 3 chakras)
So from our thoughts (I think and therefore I am), to physics, yoga (body-mind complex), a science of consciousness, a philosophy of Advaita, non-dualism and non-doer-ship to a possibility that it is all happening by itself or not at all (non-causality), I look forward to a practical theory of everything with its practice in consciousness (yoga) understood in science and physics... the electro-magnetic yoga..?!
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