Monday, December 8, 2008

Mantra Yoga, Sanskrit Sounds, Chakras & Gayatri


* Mantras are mystical and sacred sounds from the Sanskrit language whose meaning and sound both correlate and resonate with the sacred geometry of body and nature, and unite them in consciousness through vibratory effects of sound in the underlying ether of space.

* Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas which, according to its own authority, is the expression of the Universe; that from AUM the word was made flesh and this symmetry was divided into 7 levels of sacred geometry in nature and 108 aspects of the universe. The highest teaching of the Vedas are the Upanishads (philosophy of the Absolute Self), and the highest Upanishad, the Munduka Upanishad, explains and simplifies the entire Sanata Dharma and all knowledge with the eternal significance of the word or AUM or nature.

AUM - the word made flesh

=> 3 gunas & states (M = tama, inertia, sleep and night; U = satwa, harmony, dream and dawn/dusk; A = raja, activity, waking and day)

In Christianity the word can be correlated to the 3 Hindu deities =>
Father (Siva), Son (incarnation or solar vishnu) & Holy ghost (Brahma or 4 elements in space) ie. GOD = Generation/Brahma/Holy Spirit; Organisation/Vishnu/Son; Destruction/Rudra Siva/Father.

Cosmological Order

AUM (From Nothing) => Gayatri Mantra (becomes Cosmic Solar Source) => Vedas (sounds of nature) => Universe with 9 (Brahma or space)

From AUM (Gravity & Ganesh), symmetry (string theory?) of 3 gunas (3 deities, 3 worlds & 3 granthis in body) splits and combines into 5 elements of nature => into 7 rays (electro-magnetic light) => 7 bija seed sounds => 7 cosmic planes/lokas => reflected in 7 chakras

* Sanskrit has 64 sounds and its music of mantra and veda operates according to the 7 levels or swaras.


Man = manas = mind

Tra = control

Mantras are repeated to direct, control and purify the mind (thoughts)

What Swami says:

(i) Mantra: Natural breath of So-Hum = mantra, we are continuously breathing in (So) and out (Hum)

(ii) Yantra: Body as the sacred geometrical instrument with 7 levels (organ, gland, chakra, petals or nadi with bija sounds)

(iii) Tantra: Heart as source of Love, Devotion (Bhakti Shakti) and Energy (Ojas)
(though traditionally associated with worship of the 10 Vidyas of aspects of Divine Mother)

Pantanjai Raja Yoga

Pranayama = 4th step (Hatha Yoga of breath) &

Dharana or concentration = 6th step (of manas or mind)

Therefore, Mantra Yoga is part of Raja Yoga in purifying the life force (breath) through vibratory effects of sacred sounds as well as for concentration of mind

SACRED SANSKRIT MEANINGS: Repeating the name of God
(eg. Sai Ram or Namah Sivaya)

"I am" = Solar Inner Atmic Source of Being or Soul (advaita)

Sa-I R-am (Guru-form) = meaning "I am" (formless Self) = Advaita are One

A) Sai

SAI - means divine mother in Sanskrit (or matter or consciousness or Full Moon)

Acronmy: See Always Inside (kingdom of heaven is within).... Service Adoration Illumination

B) Ram

* Bija mantra for Manipur (solar plexus) Chakra
* Solar plexus = Suns exaltation in Aries
* 7th incarnation of Vishnu = Rama of Solar Ayodhya Dynasty (Solar Hero & perfect Man)
(according to swami's version of Ramayana he had a Leo Ascendent with Sun in Aries in 9th house)
* Ram = 7 in vedic numerology (7 Rays of the Sun)
* Ram = Vishnu Narayan = Solar incarnation or the Son, (Avatarhood), Eygptian Ra - Sun God,
* Swami explains meaning ... (Ra) fire, (aa) Sun, (Ma) moon as well as means Tat Twam Asi or I am That
* Narayana = solar chariot => Bhaskara = Sai Surya Gayatri for physical plane, day time, prana and sustenance of health
* Surya Namaskar => prone position facing the Sun at dusk and dawn, with solar plexus and third eye touching the ground, one repeats the gayatri mantra to imbibe solar force into body
* Aditya Hridyayam & Sun repeated for health and power (was given to Rama by Vismamitra in Ramayana to fight the battle)
* 12 Suns - Aryaman, Savitri, Mitra, etc. => repeated in the Rig Ved as well as part of the 27 Nakshatras of Jyotish

C) Siva Arunachala Baba => formless father

Sai (Full Moon - ripe mind) => Ram (from Sun's prana)=> Siva (New Moon or dead mind)

Sa-i R-am => Namah Sivaya
I am (Sun) => That....(Reality beyond)

Sai => Rama(na Maharishi) => Arunachala = Maha Sivaratri = Baba or "That"

Baba means father in Sanskrit, and is an acronmy for Being Awareness Bliss Atma

Arunachala = mentioned in Puranas as the axis mundi of universe ... Siva's abode where, as pillar of eternal light, he took the form of a hill as the largest natural lingam. Swamis first bhajan was in praise of it and the greatest Jnani or the modern era, Ramana Maharishi, spent his whole life there teaching Self-inquiry

Siva (Rudra) Mantras

Om Nama Sivaya (Panchakchara)

Sri Rudram = Namakam (protect), Chamakam (grant) - Adi Rudra Yagna Lingam propiation to highest = lingma as symbol of formless father.

Of these mantras, Tyrambakam mantra the most importnat verse for healing and moksha

Other Siva mantras = Sri Lingashtakama, 108 names of Siva, Siva Chalisa, Shiva Mahima Strota, Hanuman Chalisa (Rudra), Rudra Gayatri

4 Mahavakyas (Great Affirmations)

Tat Twam Asi = I am That, Aham Brahman = I am Brahman (Space), .... etc....

Christianity = I am That I am

3 Mahamantras of Hinduism

(i) Gayatri (Mother Moon)
(ii) Hare Rama Hare Krishna (Narayana Sun)
(iii) Moksha & Healing Mantra Siva Tryambakam (Father New Moon)

Mantras in other religions

Buddhists ... Om Mani Padmi Hum Catholics.....Oh Mary mother of God


1. MANTRA - mysitic sounds & formulae

(i) to psychologically control (tra) mind (manas = man)

(ii) but also purify the life force through the breath and,

(iii) to target resonanting organs and chakras to draw on the forces of nature into the body and mind from the one sound of consciousness. As the element of ether, satwa guna and vibration goes up in the body and brain, and more prana can be accomodated into the nadis and nervous system the effects of mantras become more potent and effective.

(iv) Vedas as forces of nature used shamanistically in Yagnas and Homas to purify the environment

(v) Prayer (directed by the potency of the mantra with its meaning ... grants you the power (the secret) that "thoughts are things" and "law of attraction" - grants the power to fulfil desires

2. SOLAR: Gayatri (Brahma Murtha) & Ram - Gayatri is considered the mother of the Vedas and the highest mantra for illumination and is discussed below

3. ADVAITA is the highest knowledge of Vedanta with the explanations of the Absolute best reflected through understanding the meaning of AUM, Siva & the Mahavakyas - the mantra Tat Twam Asi or I am (atma - witness/knowing) That (Brahman, Paraatma, Realtity - unknowable)


Leo & Cancer rules by the Sun & Moon rule the pingala and ida nadis, the 2 petals of the ajna third eye chakra and right and left eyes respectiviely. The prana is governed by the Sun and the mind by the Moon, and moves from the base of the spine through the nadi up during the waxing of the Moon (in breath) and down during the waning (out breath)

Thus,Prana increases up until the Full Moon ripening mind with vital force and prana, but it is best to "still" the already ripened mind on new Moon day (ie. less life for thoughts to therefore experience Samadhi or the Reality of Siva)

Interstingly, the bija mantra for the ajna 6th chakra is Kshyam = sounds like Krishna which means 'all attractive" and Krishna was an incarnation of the Moon (Moon exalted in the Ascendant in Taurus) from the Lunar Dynasty, and according to swami was an incarnation of Love and Peace. Moon is this mind chakra but gets exalted in the heart in Taurus. Eye of Horus relates to Taurus and the bull a well as the thrid eye and Krishna was known also as Gopala or the cowheard boy. Krish and Christos both seem to be related to Consciousness as Love and connected to the heart chakra


In pythaogorus numerology K = 11, a higher master number of 2 or the Moon and has to do with the combination of the Sun (1) and Moon (2) and the higher powers of illumination of mind and the 6th chakra.

7th letter of roman alpahbet is the sound of "Ga" of Ganesh = 1st chakra or 7th chakra down = is related to Gravity (AUM) and Saturn (karma)

AUM, Gayatri, Ram all = 7 in vedic numerology and draw on force of the Sun


As the vibration and prana or life force/breath in the body/mind is purified and raised the mind becomes stronger and introverted, and the intitial chanting can go from outer oral to inner meditative.

Oral => Subte => Mental => Automatically in the heart => Silence of cosmic hum AUM =>Mouna (Turiyatita)

It is important to repeat the mantra with unity of thought, word and deed (rosary to keep count with using correct method with the hand ie. avoiding using the little, ring and middle fingers representative of the 3 gunas and allowing nadis in thumb and index finger to imbibe the bio-resonance vibration from the material used ie. Rudraksha beads)

Thought (understanding meaning), word (mantra) and deed (surya namaskar, unity of thought word & deed in everyday life) are all important in getting the maximun effect out of mantra chanting.


Taught in light of the 7 Portals in the body with their attributes of the mind and reflection in the stars!..


1.OM Bhur = Base chakra at base of spine (Cocyx/tail bone)
Duty & Money = Capricon & Aquarius Signs
Bija mantra = LAM

2.OM Bhuvah = Sacral chakra above pubic bone
Discliplined creativity & Sex = Sagitarius & Pisces
Bija mantra = VAM

3.OM Suvah = Navel chakra at Solar Plexus
Determination/Power & Fame chakra = Aries & Scorpio
Bija Mantra = RAM

4.OM Mahah = Heart chakra at cardiac plexus/sternum
Devotion & Love chakra = Taurus & Libra
Bija Mantra = YAM ("Varenyam"in Gayatri mantra = adoration in the heart)

5.OM Jana = Throat chakra at neck
Discrimination/Intelligence chakra = Virgo & Gemini
Bija Mantra = HAM

6.OM Tapa = Forehead brow chakra at 3rd eye area
Detachment/Wisdom chakra = Cancer & Leo
Bija Mantra = KSHYAM

7.OM Satyam = Crown Thousand petalled Lotus Chakra (top of head)
Divinity/Oneness/Bliss Chakra = Moons Nodes (kethu)
Bija Mantra = OM


Om Bhur, Om Bhuvah, Om Suvah, Om Maha, Om Jana, Om Tapa, Om Satyam, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhee Mahi Dhi Yo Yo Nah Prachodaayaat

Prayer and meditation on the Sun as the source of these 7 levels of consciousness such that my intellect may become enlightened into the Light of Truth . Thus, Gayatri is the highest mantra for developing intelligence and the knowledge yielding faculty, both worldly and spiritual; leading eventually to self-inquiry and Self-realisation.

Also 4 Sai Gayatris

Swami has also given His 4 gayatri mantras .... for 3 times of day and 3 worlds ... Saieshwaraya mantra for causal plane at dawn, Bhaskaraya mantra for physical plane at mid day and Hiranyagharbaya mantra for astral plane at dusk ... 4th Sai Sivoham for Transcendental Reality (mid-night)


Daily Practice (for Family Unity

To remind Sai devotees (& families) of the high practice and effects of Gayatri Mantra Meditation

Main Effects of Chanting Gayatri

(i) Purifies the mind
(ii) Fulfills desires and
(ii) Grants knowledge and liberation

Has 3 parts:

(i) Prayer (Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat)
(ii) Worship (Tat Savitur Varenyam)
(iii) Meditation (Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi)

Some reasons why I think this will undoubtedly help the family unit

If children see parents setting the example by sitting down every morning to do 9/21/108 repetitions with them every morning, they can get their children to follow suite.

1) it will have a very good effect of developing patience in children that will later help him with their problems with discipline

2) it will increase their intelligence and help them in their studies as they develop its power at this early stage

3) it will get parents to start doing the (most important) spiritual practice

4) the kids can be encouraged by example to follow suite

5) by using a sandalwood mala you can create more tranquility in them which they can wear it around their neck after which will induce more peace in controlling their impulsive energies

6) you can start with 9 times every morning and after a month increase it to 21 and after a year gradually to 108

7) do it for yourself cause if you start this simple practice, with the company of your kids, in 5 years it will raise you up the spiritual path and prepare you for a happier, more graceful old age of peace and contemplation

8) This practice together will unite you and kids and the family through a very powerful spiritual cord

What Swami says:

As you may not know, swami says you can give up any other practice, but never give up the Gayatri Mantra as it is one of the 4 mothers that protects you throughout your life (the physical mother, the cow/milk and motherland/nature being the others).

It draws a protective shield and draws on the powers of the Sun to strengthen all ones faculties and God powered intuition.

It does not matter if you don't go to bhajans, ashrams but never give up this repetition. And it will lead to the purification of mind that will lead to inner knowledge and wisdom to find true happiness from within... ie. the self confidence that leads to love.

And (according to swami) the only ways for liberation in the Kali (dark) Yuga, from the worlds ocean of pleasure and pain in this life, is through

i) repetition of the name and

ii) service to the needy for receiving and experiencing God's Grace.


i) the NAME = the GAYATRI which gives the intelligence to understand the nature of the mind and thereby control the senses;

ii) the SERVICE = for experiencing unity in diversity; whereby we lose our egos by forgetting ourselves in service of other as well as by receiving gratitude from the recepient of the service in the form of gratitude from God as the antarayami (indweller). This service can also be just learning to love those around us ie. Love All, Serve All & Help Ever, Hurt Never

And this according to swami is the main definition and purpose of YOUTH =

i) Controlling the senses (as the foundation for self-confidence)

ii) YOUTH = Youth Observing Unity Throughout Humanity

So the Gayatri is, as such, a foundation to all spirituality (ie. the discrimination leading to Self-confidence & detachment leading naturally to sense control). It is called the mother of the Vedas.. ie. all knowledge is contained in its power to grant the intelligence to make the right choices and receive the Atmic inspiration form within (SAI = See Always Inside = Source of the “I”).

So it is not too late for you; and especially for the good karma for all your family by imbibing it in your kids.

Please encourage it as much as you encourage the kids in all their other activities and their good behaviour.

Best done if you yourself create 15 mins each morning to do this one simple practice at the altar together. Just put a flame there and give each of them a sandalwood mala and do it 9 times => 21 after a month => 108 for yourself.. 108 takes around 20 odd minutes.

Please seriously think about this resolution for your own sake.

Sorry to remind you, but we are all growing older as people and as parents and our kids are going to grow up and move on with their lives. Start doing this now and everything else will take care of itself. In 10 years you will be so grateful for having kept this one practice up for the energy and clarity it will bring and; it will create a very positive effect for your after life and next birth. It will clear you of all the earlier life scars or disappointments and build up an inner power for a new life in the future.

With your nervous system (young and) healthy and; remember that this mantra is very powerful in its vibratory effect. After the initial purification it will later transmute your gunas and vibration in unseen ways over time. Just be patient, a little disciplined, persistent and pragmatic with it like you are with all your other house-hold chores and obligations. The only requirement is love, faith and respect for the mantra and a clean life style ie. a vegetarian diet being most important and one that you are hopefully already practicing


The following is the itinery for it!!! Remember a family that prays together stays together

1) First thing in the morning after you all had your shower

2) Get your SANDAL WOOD (or crystal or Rudraksha or Tulsi) malas and sit on a pillow or slighly raised seat

3) Light a candle at the altar (the altar should be without too many distraction except maybe a little Ganesh statue and a small picture of Swami or your chosen image of God in the background). Then unite sitting around it making sure you are all facing NORTH or EAST towards the flame

4) Sitting relaxed, with eyes closed, follow your breath in and out at the nostrils with SLOW and DEEP breaths; in (So) and out (Hum). Do this for about half a minute (if Christian can stay focused that long!) This helps slow down and relaxing the mind before starting

5) Start by saying "OM GAM GANAPATHY" 3 times to call on Ganesh. This sound "Ga" has the vibration of the base chakra and for steadying the intellect.

6) Then say the GAYATRI 9 or 21 times

"Om Bhur..... Prachodayaat" - say it slowly and focusing on the meaning

ie. earth, astral and heaven, That mother/Sun I adore, its divine light I meditate on, I pray enlighten me..

or I meditate on that divine mother whose effulgent light of the Sun, I pray protects me and enlightens my intellect

7) Then end by thanking Swami and Shiva saying


Note: Sai Ram = I am or consciousness and

Namah Shiva = That..or the Reality transcending Consciousness

Therefore this mantra meaning "I am That" or I am God calling on His Grace

Follow this by "OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI 3 times

8) Then half open your eyes, stare at the flame with your eyes half open; closing them occasionally; each time trying to see the flame in your MIND'S EYE. Again do this for about HALF A MINUTE.

9) Then perhaps you can do a quick JYOTISH DYNAMIC MEDITATION where, after keeping the flame in the mind eye, you can take yourself on a mental journey. This involves taking the flame (Jyotish) down to the HEART and "FILLING IT WITH LOVE AND LIGHT" and then verbally/mentally taking it around to the different parts of the body (inner cleanse) before taking it to all their FRIENDS and TEACHERS in school as well LOVED ONES & THE WORLD (esp. the SICK & HELPLESS); explaining that this is actually reaching these people through the power of their thoughts (ie. that thought are subtle matter and reach their targets like wireless hand phones!). This step is optional because it will take about 5 MINUTES..


May all the Beings in all the worlds be happy


Hope devotees find this an inspiration and put into practice some aspects; if not all; for a better life; understanding that all change in the outer happens with a change in the inner. Our destiny is reflected in our thoughts and character.

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