This is a post on a list of the types of communication we use. Again, it is related to the 5th chakra and Mercurial activities. The intention of these posts are to be a logical, topical decent into the next chakra.
With all forms of questions, knowledge first starts with Whose knowledge? Whether the "Who" is you, the person you are communicating with or some other source of information, this "Who?" has to be addressed.
By covering the earlier chakras, it is hopefully made clear that the clarity of knowledge depends on the knower and the ability of his instrument; namely the mind, to know. From the spiritual point of view, by knowing oneself, then everything else can be known. This is the highest intuitive way of knowing - Know Thyself. Everything this way becomes known by being one with the object of knowledge in consciousness rather than inferring it through the mind.
However, even for inferring knowledge through the mind, it is often important to be able to recognise and reference the personal forms of communication first. So this post starts with communication involving people before going onto the other ways we communicate.
Posture, Body Language & Movement Analysis
From the posture a lot can be discerned about a persons character; a crooked face to drooping shoulders to a ponch to flat feet, such features give a negative impression usually associated with negative attributes. We often intuitively or subconsciously perceive these as habits that have become part of the persons make up that literally speak and communicate to us non-verbally of inner nature of the person. The same holds true for positive attributes such as an upright, symmetrical and proportionate posture; there is a subtle recognition of the sacred geometry inherent in nature and people as expressions of this same intelligence in human form.
Much of this is covered in "Samudrika" of the Vedic metaphysics for reading omens and signs such as face reading, palmistry etc.. and in fact , the great mystic Paramahamsa Ramakrishna was an adept at this, often examining the limbs and proportions and features of his disciples to discern their qualities, characteristics and potential.
Even in the West, there is more of an acceptance that beauty and aesthetics might be associated with an unconscious appreciation of symmetry and ratio; with a recent documentary with Liz Hurley and John Cleese to suggest that what we often find beautiful in a face is related to the symmetry of the pentagram (and fibinacco ratio) as superimposed on the faces proportions.
Body language is the more dynamic aspect of this same philosophy. By examining gestures of people we can often infer attitudes or moods of their mind. From crossing ones arms as a form of restraint or protection to the pensive positioning of the finger at the side of the brow to the general use of personal space; a lot can be read into the persons subconscious.
Of course, this can extend to the way someone walks, talks, eats etc... everything becomes symptomatic in reading the persons nature. Even in jyotish astrology this is used. For example, a person with a "strong" Aries Ascendant often walks leaning with his head forward. And in fact, Samudrika often use an amalgam of indicators to analyse, synthesis and intuit what various expression would mean in co-ordination. ie. the persons age, sex, history along with posture, features, hand gestures, etc...
With these observations, what is psycholgical versus what has bordered over to pathological or "karmic" ahs to be considered. For example, in physiotherapy and movement science, kiniesiology and movement analysis can reveal a lot about a persons patterns of movement and pathology. From gait analysis to stroke and sports rehabilaition, normal versus abnormal mechanisms and compensatory movements can reveal a lot about underlying condition"of the person.
And with regard to adopted postures, of course some people learn how to consciously control these gestures to create an impression using body language for the art of persuasion or as in role playing or acting. Some of the most obvious aspects of communication come through the hands, eyes and words.
The use of hands as an extension to verbal expression is common and is often used to mirror and emphasise communication. This is more prevalent in some cultures, notably with the Italians!
Each hand gesture can mean something specific and may vary with the context or setting of the communication taking place. But some signs are almost universal and we unconsciously acknowledge that the open hand or closed clenched fist reflects an open or closed (angry) attitude. Also the pointing and use of the index finger (called the Jiva finger and associated with the ego in Indian palmistry) usually reveals some form of assertion or command.
In palmistry, each finger is related to a planet and a guna (the middle finger with Saturn and Satwa guna to the little finger - with Mercury and Tamo guna). There are numerous nadis running through the fingers which carry prana in yogic physiology and often specific mudras or ritualistic hand locks or gestures are used to cultivate certain powers in the mind. Even Swami's different gestures have been interpreted in the book called Saithree (about the 3 Sai gayatri mantras) and each chakra has a different mudra related to it.
Then there is the hand shake. Often we can tell by the strength and twist of a hand shake whether a person is gentle, firm or domineering (in the case of the person who attempts to twist the hand such that he is in the superior position). And in palmistry, a small flexible or large firm thumbs can be a clear sign as to whether the person is a push over or stubborn!
But shaking of the hand is not historically part of Hindu culture due to the understanding of the power of vibration held in the hand and especially the finger tips that we do not want to transmit and lose through contact. Instead, the "namaste" gesture is used to a sign of respect to the same divinity inherent within each person (ie. within the hands held together).
Even in our medical science, along with the generative organs, the hands cover the most area in the brain map revealing its highly sensitive role. Then, of course, there is sign language which has made an art out of this interpretation; using symbolic gestures to translate into words.
The eyes are the windows to the soul and often an inventory of his soul can be read from understanding their subtle language. Even in the art of face reading, the area around the eyes is most important in revealing the heart and character of the person. Wide set, broad minded eyes; deep set, profound eyes; small, shrewd eyes; big, open, sensuous eyes; piercing eyes; intelligent black; loving brown; mysterious green; magnetic blue colored eyes ... these all seem to reveal something about the persons nature.
And in jyotisha astrology, planets can be related to the language and movements of the eyes and the characteristics related to them. For example, Mercury and Venus dominant in a chart is often related to looking side ways, as when we access memory from both side of the hemispheres and is associated with intelligence. Jupiter looks straight revealing its straight-forward nature and honesty, Sun & Kethu upwards - its high aspirations, Saturn and Rahu downward - sorrow or humility etc... each language of the eyes revealing a tendency of the persons nature related to the physiology of the brain and the planets.
A lot of this, we are aware of. Twitching, being unable to look straight into someones eyes, rapid eye movements, blinking.... all can reveal nuances of communication that we register to get a "picture" of what is going on. Even in samudrika or the art of omen reading, the combination of of hand gestures, body language and eyes along with what is said can help discern "where a person is coming from" and what is going on.
Vocal Words
The last post was about the tongue and speech. The power of words was spoken about! Yet often the power behind words comes from the heart and the emotions. Swami talks about this purity of heart and the unity of thought, word and deed. In the Hindu epics, it is often mentioned about the power of the curse when issued from a sage or a woman of purity of thought, word and deed will materialise in destiny and time. Due to the power inherent in these people, when they have been unrighteously abused and spontaneously released a curse, such a curse must hit its target. This integrated power of "Vak" or speech is well acknowledged in the Vedas; especially in Sanskrit which has the added power of mantra and resonance with nature. Whatever such pure people say often comes true (Saraswait Vak). And is Swami's case, it almost always does?!
But such as exemplary lives are rare that such a power of consciousness is developed to be able to effect such potency ,and often when such energy is released due to anger (other than Swami!), the austerity and tapas associated with its harnessing gets lost and has to be recovered with more spiritual practice.
But often in our day and age, it is not what is said that is as important as what is done. Often there is not this unity of head, heart and hand and we have to sense and be careful in deciphering this incongruency in others. And if actions speak louder than words and actions are still not enough, we often have to trust our heart, sensitivity or intuition to perceive and trust our inner guru for the truth. As swami says, first trust your common sense, then discrimination and if still not sure, listen to Him within.
It is important to use ones discrimination to interpret words for what is not said as much as what is said! The mixture of fact and fiction, disinformation, puns, double meanings can all be used to help or harm, but most cases reveal a lack of trust, openness and honesty. From charm, to wit and cynacism, to apparent reason, to emotional blackmail, to guilt and manipulation to anger to silence, often clever people who are not totally pure can use words to get their way; quite possibly justified in their eyes, but not ultimately fair or co-operative (and possibly down right manipulative and deceptive) in ours.
The difference between a Krishna and a con-man using the same mercurial dexterity to help or harm requires our spiritual sensitivity and discrimination to help us here. So it becomes very important to be careful and read between the lines. Outwardly, I think swami wants us to be loving but not stupid. And we cannot blame him for our lapses of being taken advantage of. It is just further training ground in the practice of upholding our own integrity in the face of apparent contradictions. We have to train our fundamental discrimination to deal with people with love, seeing the atma within all, but dealing with behaviors appropriately, with dharma and quiet firmness when required.
Swami says that sometimes you have to say no but you can do so obligingly! And he says to talk sweetly and softly. Often Swami often uses a positive word before a constructive suggestion or criticism or vica versa. And usually, but not always, he will tell you off in private avoiding public humiliation unless ones ego requires it. Or He will say something to someone else in the vicinity to get his message indirectly to you. And often He uses the old trick of pretending He did not hear you before He answers...or tells you wait, wait , wait when He cannot answer you with a "no" just yet! He is the Master of using words with love, frugality and effectiveness. His guidance for speech is to think and ask yourselves 5 questions before you speak;
Is it neccessary?
Is it true?
Is it kind?
Will it hurt anyone?
Will it improve upon the Silence?
Swami is a past master at language using the best out of the English language's potential for puns and double meanings. He uses this to teach us with humor. But languages do vary, and some are more mathematical-like and cryptic such as Chinese characters to the more "rolling-like" languages such as Tamil. And their grammatical structure makes interpretation and the ability to play with the symbolic side of language vary.
According to the philosopher Chomsky, there is a mental construct in language that contribute to the way you think and therefore perceive your world. But more than this, I think swami sums if up as the language of the heart. Whilst the tone and intonation can be played with to create an intended ambiance and still be used to manipulate others, it is the vibration of love behind words and the sense of a persons character that ultimately have to be sensed from the heart and not the mind. Often this means being receptive to spirituality and have the ability to listen as well as speak!
Talking versus Listening
Counseling skills very much focuses on the ability to empathise with others rather than give a solution. Often people do not want to be told the way, but rather understood and allowed to find a space for the solution to appear from within as a interaction and humble respect for one another.
In the medical profession, it is often those people who are poor in this aspect of communication who get sewed rather than those that are more receptive to others and their mistakes. Patients are more likely to forgive when there is humility and good listening skills.
Therapist are often trained to take a "client centred approach" to listening and also helps in the art of mediation. But often, when there are time restraints in the growing accountability for a profession's income, listening has to be directed to gather the outcomes and information required within a shirt period of time. Listening has to be balanced by talking, open questions that allow an open ended answer by the client have to balanced by interjections of closed questions, requiring a yes or no answer, to ascertain the "facts" whilst sharing their care and empathy to the patient. This can be a difficult art, often requiring a certain amount of assertiveness to control the situation and prevent digressions into the meaningless. In physiotherapy, often this process leading to assessments and diagnosis involves the process of elimination the unnecessary to hone in on the essential.
Written Word
Graphology is the art of reading writing. It is not accepted by many but follows the same theories of sacred geometry; the expression of writing revealing something of the persons mind. In astrology, Mars is linear and scientific and Venus is curved and artistic. If a person has these planets in association with Mercury and the Moon, it would be interesting to see if these are reflected in the form of the writing. Generally, writing is divided up into 3 sections (as the face is in its reading); upper - intellectual, middle - emotional, lower - physical. Angular writing are more scientific whilst circular are more artistic. Joined writing is more intuitive whilst separated are more logical. Forward slanting are extroverts whilst backward leaning are introvert. Heavy writing are more intense. Small are good at details whilst large writing denotes a large approach to life. Neat and clear writing should reveal an organised mind with an organised presentation of ideas. Graphology makes all these assumptions.
But the actual content and organisation of writing reveals the strength of the left brain and ability to have a logical beginning, middle and end are important in any form of writing; scientific, fictional or business orientated
Of course, books, speeches and movies can vary in their order and expression as to how this consistency is maintained or not maintained for the mind to unravel. Thus, even if points apparently digress, the art of communication is in revealing a logical thread of information or disinformation in their ultimate analysis. Such movies like 6th sense to the Prestige play tricks with this "Maya" of expression to play with the minds options and doubts in connecting the dots.
This leads us to outer forms of communication.
Newspaper, radio & TV
In many countries, these means of media are some of the most potent forms of information. But they are ultimately all forms of conditioning that can help or hinder knowledge. To some extent there is always propaganda and census in what what we tend to receive through these mediums of communication and this has to be kept in mind.
Marketing techniques ...?
Subliminal techniques that confuse, subertage or promote misplaced values
Also methods.. questionaire etc.. latest CIA.... to CSI techniques!
Hand-phone, computer & internet & Satellite GPS
This has made our world flat and has allowed the benefits of mass communication. But again there are the dangers of abuse - from x rated material to the under aged to the suggestion of chips in passports and under the skin to monitor and potentially control subjects under the guise of being a beneficial force might ultimately rob us of any real peace or freedom.
Science & Technology
MRI, X-ray, DNA, carbon testing etc...
Military to CIA manipulation techniques
Car, railway, ship & plane
Methods of reading the environment from Samudrika- omens, face reading, posture, hand readaing numerology to the most scientific of Jyotisha astrology
Jyotish astrology, as explained in earlier posts, has the ability with its practice to help awaken the inner eye to see the unity in diversity as well as stimulate the gifts of clairvoyance when there is the correct calculation and purity of life
Mercury as ruler olf teh 5th chakra "asks or poses the right questions" ....Jupiter as exalted in the 6th chakra "answers it"
Even in a persons chart, the signs ruled by mercury are more left brained intellectuals (Gemini and Virgo) whilst Jupiter are more right brained intellectuals with intuitive knowledge.
So Mercury represneting the 5th discrimination chakra asks the questions and Jupiter of the 6th, answers these questions from the level of memory and abstract knowledge.
Meditation and inner voice
Communicating with the Sag guru within develops the intuitive voice to know things by supersensory perception of direct cognition. This communication is communication with Truth. By knowing oneself all becomes known - Omniscience.
Extra-sensory & Telepathic
Some people have the ability to read minds and receive and send thoughts. This can be in teh persons presence or from a distance such as in clair-voyance and audience
Power of Silence
The power to still others through the power of a a awakened consciousness ...Silence speaks....! shanti shanti shanti
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