Monday, December 29, 2008

1st CHAKRA PORTAL - Duty & Dollars

This is the post on the 1st chakra (ruled by Saturn) regarding control of resources - dollars and duties:

1) Warren buffet's 10 Ways to get Rich &  Bob Farrell's 10 Timeless Rules for Investors  (consulting Investopedia & Bloomberg) & Jim Rogers (& the Asian Markets)

2) Format for a daily blog (Article, Macro-economics, Micro-economics, Swami's teachings, Financial Queiries)

3) Sai Eco (Economics & Ecology) Blog Proposal


1) WARREN BUFFET’s 10 Ways to Get Rich

By JLP | September 9, 2008

My sister-in-law, V, brought 10 Ways to Get Rich - Warren Buffett’s Secrets That Can Work For You to my attention, which was in this week’s Parade. These are some great pointers, but I would hardly call them “secrets.”

1. Reinvest your profits - this is the only way to take advantage of compound growth, which is money growing on money.

2. Be willing to be different - you follow the herd, you’re gonna get hurt. Going against the herd may be scary, but can pay off if done properly.

3. Never suck your thumb - If you find something good, act. Don’t sit around doing nothing.

4. Spell out the deal before you start - Get all the details in writing before you follow through.

5. Watch small expenses - The article mentions a guy who counted 500-sheet rolls of toilet paper to make sure he wasn’t being ripped off. That seems a bit extreme to me but I see the point of not wasting money.

6. Limit what you borrow - I believe that the only acceptable forms of debt are student loans, car loans (reasonable car loans), mortgages, and possible 0% deals that may pop up every once in a while. Now, don’t mistake that sentence to mean that I think it’s okay to have debt—that’s not what I’m saying. The main thing is to use debt as a tool and use it wisely.

7. Be persistent - Always remember the saying: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

8. Know when to quit - You have to know when to say, “when.”

9. Assess the risks - Do some worst-case-scenario analysis before you proceed. In other words, count the costs before you begin.

10. Know what success really means - I love the fact that Buffett is not on an ego trip with his giving. According to the article, Buffett does not want any buildings named after him. That’s cool! I respect that about him.

BUFFETT'S Guide, Methodology & Secrets

BOB FARRELL'S 10 Timless Rules for Investors






Reverse engineering,  reverse economics, reverse psychology & reverse marketing for emerging economies (ie. branding in large developing economies of Brasil, Russia, India & China & SE Asia (Singapore) = BRICS

eg. Brasil: Self-sufficient in oil, leader in alternative energy sources, most ethanol than europe & asia combined,  2nd largest producer in Iron ore, 2nd largest aviation industry, rural to urban population and growing middle class => invest in commodities, infrastructure & housing


This is a guide to help direct posts to the blog with 5 PARTS to its format;

(i) An ARTICLE excerpt (possible form the newspaper)

Daily useful articles of the paper could be summarised in point form on the blog that are relevant. This would be part of the daily economic news for sai youth on world affairs with a spiritual bent and commentary.

It can help students understand finance and economics by analysing the facts (numbers & statistics), the expression of words and their implication using the Triangular Learning Method below:

-Signs & Symptoms - METAPHOR - Synthesis & Trends-
Jyotish, Humanities, Psychology, Sociology, (history,
culture & religion) , ECONOMICS (Governance & Policies)

1.FACTS --------------------------------------2.APPLICATION
MATHS ----------------------------------------ENGLISH
NUMBER --------------------------------------WORD
Statistics & analysis -------------------------Attitudes/Expression
Micro-economics ----------------------------Macro-economics

Articles can be used to understand relevance to Macro-economics

(ii) MACRO-ECONOMICS (right brain)

A global perspective (hopefully emphasizing the ecological with our planet in peril); understanding of macro-economics within each country/region that varies with the following 14 aspects to consider:

1. Models (ie. monarchy to multiparty, to bi party to communist)
2. Rules, laws & policies (macro to micro)
3. Areas (East vs West; region, country)
4. Land Size & Regional Location (Singapore island/straits vs China/India continent)
5. Population
6. Resources (one, few, multiple)
7. Trade (limited, multiple)
8. Stages (third world, developing, developed) .....autocratic to democratic? step down => step up (as in Sai organisations evolution)
9. History (Generally, west = democratic vs east = autocratic) independence etc..
10. Economic Growth over time
11. Green Issues (oil consumption, gases, carbon emissions levels)
12 Alternative friendly energy (amount of solar => electrical => bio-fuels => mechanical)
13. History, culture, racial demographics etc.. could be referred to via Wikepedia and
can help sai youth all over the world to understand their and others countries
14. Sai Centres (local & regional) - number, location, activities => Seva needs and projects co-ordinated via a International Sai Web for the organisation (with Sai Edu-best, Medi-best, Lega-best blogs inter-linked with Sai Eco-best to assist financial aid projects for humanitarian geographical categories of zone, region and country).

Thus, countries can be analysed such that people/youth can understand the details of relevant country and see what life, living and working would be like there (as well as what Sai activites, centres and service projects). Most relevantly, they can see where their knowledge, education and interests would best imply them to invest for their micro-economics of financial planning for a better understanding and control of their personal investment portfolio. It would also allow them to choose where they can, and may like to, donate their skills and resources, including money, for Sai organised projects.

(iii) MICRO-ECONOMICS (left brain):

Follow up with terms, policies, options and financial planning solutions towards various investments and development of your personal portfolio

= Financial Planning, Insurance & Risk Management of ...relevant logic and systems for stocks, commodities, shares, company history & CEOs, transparency & accounting, strategies from proportion of low risk return to higher risk return portfolio, dollar cost averaging, options, dangers, hedge funds, derivatives etc... how these vary with structures and laws of different countries

7 Investment Step Strategies

1. Assets - eg. gold, silver, property

2. Banks interest rates on current account and longer schemes at higher % rates

3. Goverment mutual funds and bonds

4. Portfolio of Government related mutual funds (high risk return vs low risk return)

5. Mutual fund portfolio diversified to include co-ops (of public to private listed companies)

6. Diversify into stocks, commodities and shares (identifying clients knowledge base/interests/work/hobbies to current affairs)

7. Hedge funds and derivatives (higher risk returns added into the equation with growing understanding)

List of Economics/Financial Terms & Definitions

Accountability, Alternative Energy, Apartheid, Authoritarian, Asean, Asean Plus, Asean Treaty of Amity, Asia Pacific Co-operation, Asset, Axis of evil, Bail out package, Bankrupt, Berlin Wall, Bipartite Politics, Bio-fuels, Bonds, Bull or Bear Market, Capitalism, Centralised, CEO, commodity, Communism, Conglomerates, Conservative(s), Conspiracy, Consumption, Consumer (Index), Creative Accounting, Credit, Credit Crisis, Currency, Debt, Developing Country, demand, Democracy, Deregulation of Free Market Economics, Derivatives, Dictatorship, Dirigiste, Dohar Round, Dollar Cost Averaging, Economic Growth, Employment, entrepreneurship, Equity, Exchange Rates, Exports, Federal Reserve, Fiscal Policy, Free Trade, Fund, GDP, Geneva Convention, Geo-political, Globalisation, Government Bonds, Great Depression, Health Care, Hedge Funds, High Risk High Return, Human Rights, Imports, Independents, Intellectual Property, Interest Rates, International Monetary Fund, Investments, Keynesian Approach, Liability,Liberals, Liquidity, Lobbyist, Loop holes, Low Risk Low Return, Marginal Value, Maritime, Medium sized business, Meritocracy, Migration, Monarch, Multi-polar, Nuclear, Obamonomics & IT (internet elections), Oil Magnates, Patent, Petro-chemicals, Portfolio, Production, Recession, Regionalisation, Regulation, Republic(ans), Senate, Small sized business, Solvency, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Stocks, Stock Market, Sub-prime Mortgages, Subsidy, Supply, Tax, Tax cuts, Tax havens, Terrorism, Toxic Effects, Transparency, Triumphalism, Trust, Unfreeze markets, Unilateralism, Urbanization, Wages, World Bank

List of Real Maths Factors
(Understanding the facts for Common Sense Economics)

Numbers, Percentages, Ratios, Statistical Significance, Research, Estimations

List of Indices (and what they mean and measure)

CURRENCIES (Buying & Selling) - Australian to Thai baht

REGIONAL- Stock Changing Volume (Up & Down)
Singapore Straits Times Index, Tokyo Nikkei, HK Hang Seng, Shanghai Composite, Sydney S&P/ASX 200, Kualar Lumpar KLCI, Mubai Sensex, Bangkok SET

SINGAPORE with Top Movers (Stocks & Warrants) Rise & Falls (CENTS)
FTSE ST INDEXES Points & Change (Mid Cap, Small Cap, All Share, Fledging, China, China Top, Oil & Gas, Basic Materials, Industries, Consumer Goods, Health Care, Consumer Services, Telecoms, Utilities, Financials, Technology, Real Estate, real Estate Holding & Development, Reits

Straits Times Index Stocks (Capital Land to Yanlord)
FTSE ST Mid-Cap Index Stocks
Top15 Actives (By Volume & Value)
Unit Trusts

(iv) SWAMI (Sathya Sai Baba): Bringing in relevant Swami teaching, quote and human values in the context of economics of mind, man and money.

Ceiling on Desires Program. 5 Human Values (Truth, Love, Peace, Right Action, Non-violence). ABC (Always Be Careful). Mysteries of the Mind. Mind and Man management. WATCH (words, actions, thoughts, character, heart) ... do not waste time, energy, food or money. The economics of mind and desires.

Consider in context of teachings such as books like Napolean Hills "Think & Grow Rich" to "The Secret" (thoughts are things & the power of attraction), self-improvement programs and business and corporate gurus.

SWAMI on "D" for Duty

Swami on "Duty" ... duty with love is desirable, duty without love is deplorable, love without duty is divine

Duty is most important. The lawyer should do his duty. The doctor, the farmer, the administrator, the businessman, each should discharge his respective duty. If this is done, this world will have no problems. Everyone should aim at excellence in the performance of one's duties. Then nations will be prosperous and happy. Today very few discharge their duties properly. Instead of doing their work, they interfere in others work. They fail to do their work and spoil others.

When you perform your duties, you will be acquiring the title of rights. Every man should discharge his duties. Performance of duty is your yoga. It is your enjoyment. It is your sacrifice. Discharge of duty is the basis for everything

When you discharge your responsibilities your rights will be automatically ensured. In Bharat today everybody is clamoring about rights. What is the meaning of right? It is that to which you are entitled. How do you get it? Can you get the fruit without sowing the seed? Without a tree can there be a fruit? But you aspire for the fruit without sowing the seed or rearing the tree? What folly is this? No one has any inherent claim to any right. He has only responsibility. Do your duty. Duty is God. Work is worship.

Man must work, every moment of his life he cannot avoid this burden. His very existence depends upon action, exertion, work. And work results neither in good or bad, big or small, powerful or paltry. So man has to be active along the right lines, in order to avoid evil and pain. That is the duty he owes himself.

In duty you must look into the future and weigh the consequences"

Duty without love is deplorable, duty with love is desireable, love without duty is divine. Duty implies force or compulsion while love is spontaneous and expresses itself without external promptings""

You cannot always do what you like but must learn to like what you have to do

There are two duties to perform by men: one is to work for the good of the world and the other is work for the liberation of the consciousness. The former is sometimes referred to as the left hand path and it will drop away once you have become spirituality ripe

Do not give up your duties in the world. But do them with the name of God on your lips and invite the grace of God into your mind.

Visualise God, seek God, merge in God - that is the duty of man


Your comments to get others blogging. The blog does not have to relate to the posting and can take any direction the bloggers feel are relevant in the context of swami's teachings and mission.. The wish is that others will join, help and participate in the learning process

From here the blog could focus on the practical ordeal of helping devotees through the challenges of the current financial crisis and credit crunch by offering free consultations and information on matters of dealing with their money management. It is left to the discretion of devotees to act upon this advice whom are left more responsible for their own decision making with regards to the financial plans they adopt.

Our role is to provide the service for you to begin to make informed choices and this blog is in no way liable for these choices. The aim is to help you help yourselves in micro-economical money matters form insurance to investments, from financial planning to risk management.
As a financial planner, in addition to offering a blog for youth to dialogue on various Sai related topics; notably His mission on our planet in peril; we hope to also focus on offering free and basic financial knowledge and advice for beginners and youth regarding investments and money matters.

Now that you have hopefully familiarised yourselves with some larger issues posed in the earlier dialogues I hope that you have developed some confidence and incentive to grapple with these common sense issues of handling your own financial resources.

3) AIMS of a SAI ECO-BEST BLOG (Proposal)

To become a spiritual, ecological & financial blog site for Sai devotees and youth

To provide an ON LINE SATSANG FORUM for devotees to have a virtual study circle around the world to discuss various matters, and access relevant information, in the light of Swami's teachings and mission

Initiated considering the current global crisis - financial, environmental and political


"SAI ECO BEST" BLOG (SEB) to find the best ECONOMICAL & ECOLOGICAL solutions (through the FIBY TEST) in the light of SAI's teachings where;

SAI stands for Bhagavan Sri Sathya SAI Baba of India (World Teacher & Avatar) and as an acronym for S-ervice, A-doration, I-llumination

ECO stands for Economics & Ecology (Environment)

"BEST" used to attract attention and because it is a site that deals with SAI, one of the best and most practical teachers on the planet (the Avatar), as well as deal with the relevant issue of self reliance and confidence through the proper management of money matters as well as our total reliance on our planet in peril (ECO-logy & ECO-nomics)

ECO BEST MOTTO: Don't talk about spirituality when you have no financial independence OR cannot look after our mother - Earth

Rather Sai devotees should aim for excellence and be the BEST in whatever they do which, according to Swami, includes avoiding waste of energy, food, time & money. So BEST be prepared as prevention is better than a cure for any crisis!

ATTITUDE acronym for "BEST"

B = Benefits (others), E = Enthusiasm;
S = Sustainable, T = Timing (reliable)

Also an acronym for the blog itself;

B = Blog;
E = Education on Economics, Ecology & the Environment;
S = Sai devotees
T = TRAC, which stands for the path or track from:

the PAST of your Tradition, Religion, Aspiration & Culture/Character,

leading you on trac(k) to establishing your identity, values and confidence in the PRESENT

and be able to anticipate the FUTURE of:

Trends (macro & micro economics/political/sociological) and
Rights (need over greed) with
Awareness (knowledge - eg. financial) and
Creativity with Consciousness (planet friendly innovation for the global economy).


FIBY = Financial (fibs) Intelligence Brainstorming by the Youth (Youth Observing Unity Throughout Humanity)

where FIB = FIBBING = LYING.... because the problems in the economy have had a lot to do with greed and the lack of transparency, with financial planners often taking advantage of the clients ignorance.

Thus, the FIBY TEST involves preparing for a holistic knowledge on the economics and management of mind, fears & greed, credit and monetary means and methods - ie. inner and outer financial systems

Unlike visiting doctors, where the patient may have some knowledge of biology or goes for a second opinion, students who come out of school are often totally ignorant on financial intelligence and therefore, totally at the mercy of financial systems and planners. By developing their knowledge to detect and TEST the "FIBS" allows the consultation to be inter-active and empower youth to be able to handle their own money matters more responsibly, according to Swami's teaching.


¨I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." (Lao Tse) ...

...SO BLOG ON.! ...dialogue, educate yourself and avoid the dangers (fibs) and secure a mental grasp in financial planning and basic economics in our growing, knowledge based, global, and environmentally friendly, interdependent world .


LINKS:- etc... investment and financial planners

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