1) Yoga means union with God. In order to experience this union, man has to be reconditioned physically, mentally and emotionally.
2) Physics says that creation comes about as a result of the interaction between time and space. Time and space are deemed to be two forms of energy, positive and negative poles. When these two poles come together, matter is created and thus creation comes into being. If time and space are separated, matter or creation is disintegrated.
3) In Vedanta, it is believed that creation is brought about by the interaction of Shiva and Shakthi, of Purusha and Prakrithi. Shiva is conceived as the negative pole and Shakthi, the positive. When Shiva and Shakthi meet, an explosion takes place. There is light and matter breaks into endless fragments, which are dispersed into space. When this union takes place, energy or prana flows out and expresses itself in the form of plants, minerals, animals and man.
4) The three main energies that are created as a result of the explosion are Prana shakthi (life force), Chitha shakthi (mental force) and Atma Shakthi (spiritual force).
5) Prana Shakthi is the universal life force which is also present in our body. It is on account of this positive force (the solar energy which represents the Shakthi element) that we are able to grow, live and move. It determines the strength and energy faculties in us. When prana is flowing in the correct “voltage”, we feel strong and energetic. When the voltage falls, we feel weak/sick and exhausted.
6) Chitha Shakthi is the mental force present in our body. It manifests itself in the mind and consciousness and through which we are able to think, differentiate and analyze. It is the negative force, the lunar energy and represents the Shiva element. When it is flowing in the correct voltage, we feel mentally active and alert. When it falls, we feel mentally tired and depressed.
7) Atma Shakthi is a spiritual energy and in contrast to the earlier two which are physical. This is a formless energy. Our brain is said to consist of ten parts, out of which only one part is functioning while the other nine are dormant or locked. When the Atma Shakthi or spiritual energy is awakened, the dormant parts of the brain become active.
8) These Shakthi are delivered through our body through Nadis or nerve channels. In Yoga philosophy, Nadis are considered to be rivers of energy flowing through our body and conveying vital prana or energy through to every organ and every tissue of the body. It is believed that there are more than 72,000 Nadis in our body. Out of these, three are said to be most important, namely Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis.
9) Ida Nadi is the negative line or cold line. It carries the cold or the lunar energy which is the mental force or the Shiva force. It flows on the left side of the body. The flow of Chitha Shakthi in Ida is equated to the flow of breath in the left nostril.
10) Pingala Nadi is the positive line or the hot line. It carries the hot or solar energy which is the pranic force or the Shakthi force. It flows on the right side of the body. The flow of prana in the pingala is equated to the flow of breath in the right nostril.
11) Sushumna Nadi can be called the neutral line which is necessary to maintain the higher voltage. It carries the spiritual energy or the Atma Shakthi and flows within the innermost core of the spine.
12) The Ida and Pingala Nadis conduct earthly finite energy. The flow in the Sushumna Nadi is cosmic in nature and the energy is infinite. This energy is called Kundalini and symbolically, it is conceived as a serpent lying dormant at the base of the spine.
13) The Ida and Pingala Nadis curve alternately to the right and to the left of the spine in a symmetrical manner. The two Nadis meet at several points along the spine. The Sushumna Nadi flows straight and upright and all three Nadis meet at several points along the spine. At each such point, there is a round circular movement of energy.
14) These wheels of energy are called chakras where the subtle energies move around with a fantastic power. These chakras are immense storehouses of energy. Prana is distributed from each chakra to the various parts of the body through minor nerve channels.
15) Traditionally, there are 8 chakras (if Bindu chakra included) in the body. These are
i. Mooladhara Chakra:
Lower most chakra and situated in the perineum, or the region between the genitals and the anus. It is said to be the seat of the sleeping Kundalini. It is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human potentiality. It is related to the inner adrenal glands, the adrenal medulla, responsible for the fight and flight response when survival is under threat. In this region is located a muscle that controls ejaculation in the sexual act in the human male. Said to be ruled by Saturn and is symbolized by a lotus with 4 petals. Earth element
ii. Swadhistana Chakra:
Basis from which most people express themselves. It is situated in the coccyx, in the last bone of the spinal column. The trigger point is located in the front of the body at the level of the pubic bone. Known as the pleasure, lust, creative Chakra and is related to base emotion, sexuality and creativity. It is considered to correspond to the testicles or the ovaries that produce the various sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle which may cause dramatic mood swings. It is symbolized by a lotus with 6 petals and is ruled by Jupiter. Swami is said to materialize the Lingam from this region. Water element
iii. Manipura Chakra:
It is the center where the vital energy of the body is stored. This chakra is situated behind the navel in the solar plexus and its trigger point is the navel. It is related to the transition from simple or base to complex emotion, energy, assimilation and digestion. Corresponds to the roles played by the pancreas and the outer adrenal glands, the adrenal cortex, valuable role in digestion, the conversion of food matter into energy for the body. Symbolized by a lotus with 10 petals and from a mental make-up, it is the seat of the Ego and Pride. It is said to be ruled by Mars. Fire element.
iv. Anahatha Chakra:
Center of unbroken sound and is situated behind the sternum in the cardiac plexus. It is located in the Thymus which is a critical function of the immune system. It produced T cells responsible for fending off disease. The trigger point is at the level of the heart behind the breast bone. It is linked to complex emotion, compassion, love, equilibrium and well being. Ruled by Venus and is symbolized by a lotus with 12 petals. Air element
v. Visuddhi Chakra:
Known as the purification center and is situated behind the throat pit. It’s trigger point is at the base of the throat where there is a small depression. Communication & growth chakra which is linked to the thyroid, a gland that is also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation. Symbolized by a lotus with 16 petals and ruled by Mercury. Ether element.
vi. Ajna Chakra:
Ajna means command so this chakra is the center of command where it receives instructions from the Guru. It is also known as the third eye and is the most difficult one to locate. It is situated in the posterior brain at the pineal gland right at the top of the spinal cord in the medulla oblongata. The trigger point is the eyebrow center. The Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis merge at the Ajna Chakra and travel to the crown of the head as one. Ajna is held as the chakra of time, awareness and of light. It is symbolized by a lotus with 2 petals and ruled by the Moon & Sun
vii. Bindhu Chakra – Most important chakra in Kundalini Yoga and is situated at the top back of the head where Hindu Brahmins traditionally wear a tuft of hair. It is the seat of psychic and mystical experiences.
viii. Sahasrara Chakra – Situated at the crown of the head, is the most subtle among the chakras. It is situated in the pituitary gland which controls each and every gland and system of the body. It is the final culmination of Kundalini and the abode of Shiva. Symbolized by a 972 petal lotus and is the chakra of consciousness. Connects the central nervous system via the hypothalamus. Located on top of the head and is ruled by Rahu & Kethu
When Shakthi ascends to the Sahasrara and unites with Shiva, a great awakening is experienced and a new dimension of consciousness is reached.
16) The chakras are situated at the back of the spinal cord and it is difficult to locate them exactly and to concentrate on them. So, each of the chakras has been given a contact point at the front of the body with each contact point being exactly parallel to the chakra center in the spine. These contact points are called trigger points because it triggers off the energy in the particular chakra when we concentrate on the trigger point. All the chakras except the first and last have trigger points.
17) There are two ways to awaken the Kundalini. The first method is to awaken the Chakras by concentrating on the trigger points and by chanting certain mantras. These are known as Bija Mantras which are basic symbolic sounds. By concentrating on the trigger point and repeating the appropriate mantra either aloud, in whisper or mentally, the chakras can be awakened.
18) When the chakras are awakened, a great deal of energy are generated and carried up to the Ajna chakra through the Ida and pingala Nadis. The energy is then monitored and is conducted by the Ajna chakra to the Mooladhara chakra where Kundalini is lying dormant. This causes the Kundalini to uncoil and travel upward.
19) The second method to awaken the Kundalini is through the practice of Pranayama in order to activate the Sushumna Nadi so that the Kundalini can ascend through it. All Pranayama techniques are based on breathing and respiration exercises which acts to purify the Ida and Pingala Nadis thereby creating a balance between them. When the hot and cold Nadis are balanced, the neutral line of Sushumna is awakened.
20) The awakening of the Kundalini is not the end but only the beginning of meditation. With the union of Shiva and Shakthi, the transformation of the body, mind and spirit takes place and marks the spiritual awakening in man.
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