Monday, December 1, 2008

OH CRIKEY WE ARE IN A CRISIS.!...Thoughts on the Global Economy

INTRODUCTION to World Current Affairs
(in a spiritual context through initiating a series of dialogues)

The following posts are a compilation of a series of dialogues that speculate with ideas on the apparent facts and possible solutions for the world during this critical period of transition for an economy in crisis, a planet in peril and the threats of war. The intention is to provide food for thought and thereby, to initiate the blog by instigating people to contribute their thoughts whatever simple or sophisticated opinions they might have; all are welcome and valuable.

It is hopefully presented from the perspective of the radical transformation of consciousness that has to take place to revamp the current global financial model that has gone too far in allowing individual greed to replace inter-dependent need. The solutions have to be creative, unified and one of synthesis; transcending unfair and irregular barriers of rule, rights, race and religion or creed, caste, color and country.

And the conversations assume and believe that spiritual guides of synthesis that promote a new paradigm in the understanding of the commonality in consciousness; to support a unity of faiths and oneness of mankind; such as Lincoln envisaged and Obama is enacting, is the fundamental way forward in terms of the necessary attitudes as well as methods such as the internet as another access guide. Such guides as teachers, writers, politicians and reformers working via the emerging flat world are a growing means for humanity as a whole to self educate and grow in co-operative inter-dependence as well as help consensus reality keep in check mans greed and manipulation that has been revealed in America to have operated from the top (Wall street Ceos) to the bottom (sub-prime mortgage).

Such guides and "awakeners" have included writers ranging from Shaw to Huxley, Wilber to Walsh, to the recent addition of Thom Hartmann, with his book on "Democracy, Spirituality and Ecology" to "The Last Hours of the Ancient Sunlight". Relevant to this, there has been the practical as well as Nobel prize winning work of Al Gore; "An Inconvenient Truth"( also "The Assault on Reason", "Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit" and many more) to the work of Muhannad Yunus (Creating a World without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capatilism) and the philanthropic and effective charitable foundation of Bill Gates.

But perhaps this spirit of synthesis has been best exemplified and enlightened, in our time, by the lives of modern day sages and Avatars; ranging from the theoretical teachings and visions of Eckhart Tolle, (as recently appeared on Oprah); about the nature of individual and planetary being; as expressed through his contemporary use of language to present ancient universal truths in his books Power of NOW and the New Earth, to the practical social reforms by the Avatar(s) Sathya Sai Baba (Amritananda Mayi & Narayani Amma) in India via exemplary models providing free education, state of the art hospitals and rural water projects as well as their spreading of non-sectarian human values programs in schools throughout the world

Anyway, hope it makes for an interesting read

TABLE: to contrast the individual (mind)
with the structure (economics)
Consciousness of Economics of Consciousness
- Credit Karmic Cycle
Consciousness & the economy of desires self regulated
(via individual democracy of self knowledge, gurus,
guides, the internet to the inner net)


the World & the economy of needs government regulated
(socialism in health, education and financial systems for
discipline, transparency & accountability)


(at the time of the current economic crisis,

US elections and an uncertain future for
energy options and regional geo-politics)


Some thoughts for contemplation on the global crisis 25/10/2008.

The thought suggested that India is the future. The credit crisis, whether part of some conspiracy or the effects of mismanagement and greed, has, as a result of deregulation, lack of accountability and transparency made the interdependence of the world economy all too obvious, as well as the toxic speculative effects of derivatives, hedge funds and tax havens led to a situation that got out of control - bizarre.

Whether you look at the history and proprietors of the World bank, International Monetary Fund and the Federal Reserve; the insular nature of lobbyist and American bipartite politics; the manipulation of the Bush electorate; 7-11 soon after; the rise of the terrorism, fear and the politico-religious enemy as the axis of evil; his fathers connections to oil magnates and the undiscovered Bin Laden; the threat of China and India on power structures that be, the oil incentives for war in Iraq; the deregulation of the fee market economics; the incorrect measures, rates and foresight of Greenspan and co; the CEO buy out packages; Palin as a ridiculous option for VP; the black man to possibly take the fall.. the whole fact that the sub -prime mortgage must have been foreseen and left so late,,,; the sudden unanticipated buy out package... delayed with stock market shock...; the whole thing is bizarre and crazy... playing on man greed at the middle mans expense.

And the move of government to interfere in banks to bolster confidence and save the recession from a depression, as happened from lack of interference in the great depression, when they thought the free market could correct itself. What it seems is that unless this is some hidden conspiracy strategy, then the opportunity of this crisis is to bring union amongst governments and, whereby the financial model can be restructured to create more regulation, transparency and accountability in the markets. The governments coming together will hopefully act fast enough to implement reforms that oversee international financial institutions that have no vested interests anymore.. that like with measures taken within countries banking systems, these new global banks have government investments... and that once implemented, there are caps and controls on exchange rates to lower rates between China/India and the developed nations (that should be part of the G7) in this reform and, once regulation is in place, can lower exchange rates to create demand from these developing nations for their know how and skills to increase exports and increase demand, confidence and liquidity that compliments the approach that is being taken by governments to unfreeze markets.

Anyway, I think the exchange rate should eventually be dealt with once there is some regulation and union amongst governments and, it it is the best time now to buy the lowered rupee, invest in real estate in India and consider investments in the knowledge based (IT) industry there now. Now the value of the rupee has dropped, it is soon a good time to buy on current exchange rates and wait til measures are taken to correct the international system later when the value of the Indian rupee will approximate the US dollar as predicted by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba - India's great social reformist and Avatar.

And unlike China, who perhaps have been more affected by the credit crisis having kept its focus and emphasis on more aggressive urbanization for the overseas markets and exports; India appears to have been more cushioned and insulated. And potentially, the water projects, education programs and free health models of Avatars of the South, such as Sathya Sai Baba (Andra Pradesh), Narayani Amma (Tamil Nadu) and Amritananda Mayi (Kerala) in developing the rural areas to stay local and self-sufficiently more immune to global forces, allows the urbanization of the cities to stay separate from rural areas. In effect, with urbanization of India, the rural serves the urban and the urban, in turn, serves its global role more strategically and safely as this sleeping giant wakes up spiritually to its economic and dharmic leadership in the resurrection of character in these times of the crisis of trust. Indians are growing in confidence based on a knowledge based assets through their strengths in IT with Bill Gates and global companies recruiting intellectual value of staff from the south of India at lower costs.

The intellectual and financial resources, reach and patriotism of Indians holding academic positions all around the world was proven by their response to America's reactions to their nuclear energy program. Initial threats proved ineffective as Indian rallied support overseas and US have eventually had to bend their rule; against policies over north Korea, Iran and China. India has opened the energetic door to become an international powerhouse and player.

And as the infrastructure of India continues to grow and keep sufficient local demand from their emerging economies to fuel demand and liquidity in the local markets; helped by the new nuclear power sources now at hand; India will continue to grow and get organized. The young leaders and characters generated by the educational models pioneered by Sathya Sai Baba and others are infiltrating into the system to root out the corruption by example and dharmic entrepreneurship and enterprise; not leaving the motherland for the material attractions overseas but returning to India and dedicated to the upliftment of India and their ancient vedic heritage and culture against the threat of "westernization" proliferated through the media and internet.

In short, I am optimistic that Indians; not reputed for their honesty or clean practices; will through the upliftment, education and agriculture of the rural and not its urbanization will lead to a subtle transformative tipping point in India's attitudes that will via a transformation of consciousness through the resurrection of their ancient heritage and values reignite the passion of India to counter the karmic passivity that has plagued it too long but will balance the greed for the western "good life". And during this crisis, the initial restrictions for Indians from global forces will only serve as gathering local impetus and opportunity to weather the storm and resurrect themselves for this new role.

1 comment:

Lughnasa said...

Your point about the rise of the rupee and the overall Indian economy compared to the decline of the Western domination is a good one.

Friends of mine recently lost their life's savings with the collapse of a particular European Bank, but luckily they own some property in Puttaparthi. They were planning to sell it last year, but I convinced them it would only rise in value, and any investments in India would be vital to keep at this time. Thankfully they held on to it.

If I were to present a challenge to your report, I would say you didn't go far enough in your assessment of the changes to come. There is a widespread assumption in political and financial circles that this credit crisis "will pass" and things will pretty much go on as before, which, as I see it, means the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

World leaders are already planning meetings in 2009 to establish a new global financial order, with calls for a single world currency from Sarkozy, Barrosso etc. The current financial system keeps most people in economic slavery, and a new one will surely be designed by the same elite to re-inforce that model. I don't think Swami will allow that to happen.

I see what's happening now as the beginning of a shift in human consciousness. We will ultimately advance to a new (and ancient) values-based system. We won't identify ourselves with money or power or political ideologies any more. Each person will act according to his own Dharma, and new political and economic systems will emerge from that reality.

Basically, we need to stop thinking in terms of the limitations of our current consciousness - greed, selfishness, ego. These have created the current systems. A new consciousness will create a new way.

However, before that new way emerges, there may be further upheaval in terms of climate change, rising sea levels and so on, as well as military conflict. Swami spoke before about an upcoming war between "America, Russia and the Muslim powers" being a precursor to his own revelation to the world. For me, this is the key event to watch out for as a marker of the change from the old world to the new, and moving towards the fulfillment of Swami's mission.

Well, thanks again for your thoughts. I believe that we Sai devotees are particularly well prepared for these coming times. Swami has prepared us over the last ten years. While most of the world has been investing in money markets and stocks and shares, we have been investing the only currency that will have real value, which is God's grace. If you protect dharma (righteousness), dharma protects you.